Are you an entrepreneur? Do you wonder what to put on your website? What is a promise statement anyways? Here is what Jane Atkinson, who was recently on: How to build a million dollar speaking business w. Ryan Estis and Kindra Hall, taught us in Catapult Your Speaking Business at CAPS experts who speak iConvention in Ottawa.

Be humble, stay hungry, always hustle – Ryan Estis

First, you need to “Pick a lane” vs going from one lane to the other and miss.  Somehow when you start changing too often, we never seem to be choosing the right one. The lane where you solve a problem is the one you should keep as people will pay to solve a problem. Turn your passion into profit.


Know your industry and where the top end of the market is. US speakers are coming here and get paid their fee in us dollars, so we need to break down the limits and open ourselves to the idea that it is possible. Don’t price yourself too low out of a conference.

Position yourself as an Expert first, speaker second.

Clients no longer want to book “speakers”. They want to hire smart people who happen to speak.
– Brian Palmer, National Speakers Bureau.


Have a strong promise statement.

  1. Focused on them and not on us.
  2. outcome oriented
  3. short and sweet – 5 to 7 words
  4. Provides clarity for the customer


Review your website so that your visitors are able to relate right away and see the problem you are solving – then make sure you have a promise statement, visible on each page. Start with your avatar. Who are you targeting? Who is your target market?

examples of promise statement:

“Get more done in less time!” being the advertising line for Sunjay Nath.


“Book Sunjay he is a really good speaker!”

People need to know what is the problem you are solving? What does that look like for you?


Turning Managers into leaders

Creating high energy, low stress work places

Catapult your speaking business

Creating longevity in your dental practice


$1 word or $10 word? Use expensive words: Catapult, leverage, rejuvenate, mobilize. Resilience. Mental. Productivity. Effectiveness. Recognize. Sustain. Bottom line results. Choose words that speak to the energy you are offering.


Does this answer the question: What to do and who I do it for?


Who: workforce

What: leadership

How: confidence and capability


These three who, what and how will turn into this Promise Statement: “Mobilizing your workforce by strengthening your leadership confidence and capability.”



Michael Hoffman: “Own It – When you own it you ignite deeper relationship, stronger team, bigger sales.”

Ryan Estis : “Business performance for the new economy. Crush your sales target adapt & thrive: Win in a 2020 world.” Go see video on


Kindra Hall: ” Capture attention Close sales increase influence through the art of strategic storytelling” – go see her video


Go to to download the tool on how to create a promise statement.


The no 1 responsibility of an entrepreneur is to always protect and guard their confidence. – Dan Sulliver 


The three P’s of a Website:


Outcome of your work and then talk about you.


Promise Statement on each page


Reflecting your flavour and who you are

When you have multiple businesses: Looking at the the names of your tabs is how the visitor to your website will understand how you deliver your promise, be well labeled on your site.


3 core competencies

Find the 3 things you do really well and stick to it. For Jane, it is Writing, selling, coaching. Everything outside of that goes to team. To hire people, very often you find them in your audience. Find someone who can offload for you. Start small if you are financially nervous and give specific little mandate. Intimate relationships. Make sure you meet them first and see what your gut feeling is.




Here is what she suggest for you to have on your road map:


  • mega goals – goals for next 3 years
  • my team
  • new hires
  • market intitiatives
  • 60 days goals
  • 90 days goals
  • relationships to build – target market and companies associations
  • daily success rituals
  • down time
  • action list – next 30 days



You can read more in her Books: The Wealthy Speaker 2.0. – The Epic keynote – Jane Atkinson



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    1. Yes Elaine, Jane is indeed very insightful and inspiring. Congratulations on your award winning website. I can appreciate how Jane would have been helpful of course and also, YOU were instrumental in creating your solution to empower family, increase profit and secure legacy. She is like an amazing guitar player who made you find your best song! YOU are the guitar! A player cannot play without an instrument. Continue to be the instrument of change Elaine. cheers. 🙂

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