When Lisa Larter, who actually helped Depach Chopra with social medias, quit her job 11 years ago, she discovered marketing and the “F” word: Facebook. “Do not underestimate where your leads are going to come from.” She became an expert like no other to connect business strategies, online engagement and numbers! “I did not realize what was naturally occurring for me that people would pay for it.” Here is how she helps people integrate marketing strategies and leverage social medias to turn them into profit, turn connections into paying customers.

“Greatness takes time” – Lisa Larter

Lisa demonstrated with a video of Gary Vaynerchuck: director of operation at wine library. His first Video blog. in 2006 vs his video in 2016. How he has became an amazing entrepreneur and speaks in front of amazing audiences. His first video was quite “lame” and it took time for him to get to the top.

Entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, edutainer. You have more ideas that you know what to do with it. Take ideas out of your head and create content, find ways to tell your ideas, intellectual properties, influence people so that people are now relationships and get them to refer you. Don’t do 1000 things once. Just do one thing 1000 times. It takes time to develop personality and influence.

Stop the negative self-talk and excuses inside your head.

Continually attract new business all the time.









Awareness, visibility, attract interest, engagement, you have to engage with people, build your business and learn value, nurture, leads (your website needs to be a silent partner in sales that generates leads), sale (funnel)

Measurement: google analytics, facebook pixel, lindeIn insight tags, widgets and plug ins. You have  to measure the traffic that goes on your website and know whether or not your marketing efforts are working or not. Only put the social medias that you are using on your website. Write for content, write for people and then before you post, check that it is optimized for seo.


Blog – video and live stream – podcast: other people’s content.

Yes you want to have free offers and lead magnets – calls to action – The free thing you are offering is their very first impression of your work. It has to be great and true to what you do.


Choose your channels:

2.7 billions on facebook. 500 millions on LinkedIn. 330 millions for twitter. pick the one or two you can add the most value. YouTube is not really a socialization platform for Lisa, she hosts her videos there but don’t interact there.




Paid (use ad manager instead of boost button)

Value Based (know when you are attracting and when you are converting). If you have too much, people will un-follow you and block you in their news feed.


Automation and repurposing. Make sure that you are checking in on a regular basis. You cannot only talk at people, you have TO talk to people. Repurpose is skillfully craft the right message for each channel, so it is showing up different ways and on different days.


Paid advertising

what is the objective of your ad? You is your audience? What is your spend? Be clean on what you want? visibility? new people? drive traffic to your website? have messenger conversation? You can target by interest, by entrepreneur, (include facebook page admin in your targeted audience as they have a business they are running), by territory, etc. Once you have figured out a perfect audience, and see the number, then you decide how much money you want to spend and keep checking back.



Relationship Marketing: make sure you deliver content first. Relationship takes time. Stop following other people’s formulas and start listening to your own common sense as to what works for you. Take it and mold it to meet your own business needs. Stop jumping on band wagons.

They need to get to know you first. Then they can start to Like you and then, they will Trust you.

For Gary Vaynerchuck, just like Depach Chopra, being connected personally to people is important. They both do their twitting themselves.

We are too busy consuming everybody else’s content so that we don’t have time to create our own.

It is not B2B (business to business)

It is not B2C (business to consumer)

it is P2P = People to people


We are people. We are humans. With feelings. Emotions. Like our heart will soften at the view of Lisa’s new puppy. People are craving higher touch experiences. Belly to belly and heart to heart connections. Don’t underestimate the value of the experience you are creating online and how you can take it from online to personal experience. People will only spend a certain amount of money unless they have met you in person. Incorporate in-person too.

Is that you or am I talking to a robot? Make sure that if your business is you and you are the face of the brand, then you need to set boundaries and decide what you post and what you keep private. You can set up audiences so that your “friends” on facebook are sent the right message.

No idea is a bad idea.

Write down where you are at right now. How many people in each platform you have and figure out how to go from where you are towards your big idea.


The barrier of communicating with everyone at anytime has been removed. Social medias isn’t going anywhere so use it and have fun with it.

If you are worried about your reputation, chances are you need to be a little riskier. Go ahead and make mistakes. People are forgiving. Don’t do anything stupid, of course. It just doesn’t need to be perfect. When you make a mistake and you are a good person, just acknowledge it, take responsibility and people will forgive and lift you up.

If you want people to call you, you need to be attractive enough for people to call you. Create and keep relationships. Send something in the mail, book, card, etc. a gift in the mail is coming back. Mailing is working. It is not because social medias is here that we have to forget the touch.

Stop being impatient! Greatness takes time.

Connect with Lisa Larter HERE

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