Last week, we identified how the brain works and why we overthink. You can catch up HERE if you missed the first of this special series about overthinking.
This week, we're going to dive further into the topic by talking about four different strategies that you can use to stop overthinking. Sit back and watch the video or keep on reading.
Last week, we learned about what kept us stuck in overthinking. We left it off with the topic of cortisol. We know now that cortisol is generated in our body when we overthink, creating a vicious cycle. Well, a great way to stop the cycle is to generate a different type of chemical, some type of “feel-good” chemical in your body instead of cortisol. Let's take a look at our options...
The first one is oxytocin. Oxytocin is what I like to call the "social chemical". Spending time with friends will allow you to generate some. Another way to generate oxytocin is doing a good deed for somebody else, or witnessing a good deed. Watching a movie with a great ending could be a helpful tip to get more oxytocin, for example.

The next chemical is dopamine. Dopamine is generated every single time that we accomplish something, every time we go one step further. For example, if you are looking at your to-do list, find a very little, tiny thing that you can do and check that box, because the motion of checking a box somehow makes us feel like we're accomplishing something.
Very often when we're overthinking, we're stuck and we're not productive. So, by doing something productive, even if it's a tiny task, like just opening your Tupperware cupboard tidying it up, you will get that shot of dopamine!

The third one is serotonin. Serotonin is generated when you help someone, not when you ask for help. I'm not saying that when you're stuck, you shouldn't ask for help. I'm saying that in this case, to get your dose of serotonin, you should be the one doing the helping. Look around, try to find somebody that's worse off than you and go help them! Go do something for somebody, offer your services somewhere.
I personally go to Nightshift in Whalley, which is an area of Surrey, where I live, to donate my time and chat with our street friends and the homeless. It makes me feel good because I receive a shot of serotonin as I do so.

Finally, the last chemical is endorphin. Endorphins are very popular. You more likely know how to get your shot of endorphins. If you exercise, if you have a good sweat session, have some fresh air... that's how you get a dose of endorphins. They give you this natural boost of energy.

There you have them; four strategies to help you stop overthinking.
Next week, we'll be asking ourselves five questions to stop that cycle of overthinking. See you then!

You now have a few strategies you can do on your own next time you get caught in overthinking. Now, sometimes, we overthink because we are carrying some old baggage from our past. We project our past experiences to current situations, and we distort reality.
If you think that may happen to you sometimes, I am happy to fast track your “getting-unstuck process”. That’s what I do. Let’s have a virtual coffee together so you can get rid of that stuff that no longer serves you and keeps you stuck in overthinking.
Want More? Check out the other parts of this series...