What happens when you apply pressure to a rock like carbon? You get diamonds. That's what happens. In order to get this precious diamond, you must exercise some pressure on that rock. Nowadays, with the world that we live in, we are constantly facing a lot of pressure. Things are going really fast. The decisions you make are worth thousands of dollars, and you need to make them fast: in a heartbeat, even! It's very important to have access to your best self when you make these decisions.
Today, I'd like to share some tricks you can use when you feel like the pressure is getting to be too much. Keep reading or sit back and watch the video below for more...

Try viewing time constraints or the need for quick decision-making as something good, something that keeps you from procrastinating, because you don't have a choice. It keeps you from falling into an overthinking loop and potentially not making a decision at all. A decision that is made is always better than a decision waiting to be made and a delayed outcome.
When you're under pressure, all you do is you just do your best. It's actually beneficial: it makes you move into action. How many times have you made a decision and felt so relieved after you did? Was it the right decision? Maybe not, and it doesn't matter, because at least you made a move, a choice. This choice may lead you to another decision later that's a little bit better, that will lead to another one, and another one...

Everything is always a steppingstone in your life journey. It doesn't matter if we do it perfectly the first time. Don't get entangled into that. If you are doing something new, which is the case all the time nowadays, we are obviously feeling the pressure. Try saying: "I'm going to make a decision and the fact that I made this decision is already a good thing."

Be your best. Have someone that will make you see the best inside yourself. I'm not talking about asking advice. You are the only one that has the knowledge of the whole picture for decisions that concern your work or your family or your life. It's not about asking others what they would do if they were you. It's about asking them to bring you some guidance, to bring you what you need so that you can be the best version of yourself. I'm on speed dial for a lot of leaders, managers, clients who call me, not because I will tell them what to do. Because I will empower them to be at their best. They have the answers. They always know. Your gut feeling is telling you exactly what you should do. You just sometimes need confirmation.
Find people around you that will pull the best out of you and tell you that you got this. "You are resourceful. I know you will figure it out." That is exactly what you need to hear when you feel the pressure, and not: "If I were you, I would do that."
Of course, doing research, reading on the topic or asking other peoples' opinions is not forbidden: you sure can! But at the end of the day, you are the one making the decision, and to do so, you have to feel empowered and be your best self.
Trust me: That pressure is actually a good thing sometimes. Without pressure, there are no diamonds.

...Even if you know it's going to make diamonds.
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