Welcome to part three of the Mindset Check Series! In part number one, we saw how much pressure is too much pressure. In part number two, we talked about how to know if you are under too much stress. And part number three, which we're covering today, is about knowing if that stress is impacting your health. There's a few questions that I have to offer...
1. Do You Sleep Well?

How is your sleep? Do you sleep well? When you go to bed, do you fall asleep easily? Do you stay asleep? Do you wake up feeling rejuvenated? Those are all key questions to ask yourself to figure out if you're impacted by the stress and the pressure you may be going through.
Very often, stress will impact your sleep.

2. Do You Reach for Comfort Food?
Do you often reach for comfort food? Do you not take the time to eat well? You don't take time to cook, you just grab the easiest thing ever although you absolutely know what is healthy and what is not... You may be attracted to less healthy versions of certain foods. If you find yourself overindulging, or you know better, and somehow, you're not taking the time to take care of your health, that could be a sign that stress is now impacting your health.
3. Are You Too Exhausted to Even Think of Exercising?

When you get home at night or in the morning (whenever you are supposed to exercise), do you find yourself just way too exhausted to even think about exercising or going for a walk or going to the gym? If you feel completely done, mentally and physically exhausted, potentially that stress has taken over your physical health and it's definitely time for a break.
At the end of the day, if we don't have our health, what do we have? If the work that you're doing or if the situation that you are in doesn't allow you to be healthy and to be at your best, there's a need to reevaluate the stress and external pressure in your life. Sometimes, we are not in control of what is happening to us. All we can control is the way we react to it. So, the pressure is external, it's happening to us, and we transform that into stress in our body, which affects our health.
The key is in the way you react to that external pressure. That is what I teach my clients. Tricks and tools to use whenever you face stressful situations so that you keep it from creeping inside and transforming into stress and anxiety. It doesn't need to affect your wellbeing and your health!
Hopefully, you enjoyed the Mindset Check Series about stress and external pressure. Thanks for tuning in, and I will see you next time!

Good news: Stress doesn't have to affect your wellbeing & your health. The Online Health Guide is a great way to start your journey towards a stress-free life!
It's full of tips and tricks to face stressful situations. Regain control of your mindset and your health & get ready for a vibrant life!
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