You know the notes you take when you go to an event or when you complete a training, when you are excited, when you have ideas and you are all gung-ho? You take them home afterwards and go back to your business or to your organization, or you talk to your team, and now you are going to change the world! You're inspired, you are going to implement everything... And then you put your notes on the shelf, and they become shelf-help instead of being personal development notes (self-help).
How can you ensure that what you've learned is going to get implemented and how do you make sure that you maintain that momentum? Keep reading or watch the following video for more...
Sometimes, life goes on, and we don't have time to implement all the ideas that we took so many notes about.
The reason why I'm writing this blog today is because I was just hosting a post-event event online. Every time I do a speaking engagement, I always plan (it's included in my fee) a post-event, a 30 to 45-minute virtual meeting with all the attendees where we review the concepts that we've learned, we review the notes together. We schedule a time for us to look at what have we learned, because we need to be able to measure success. The people that are paying me to come and train their staff, they need to know that somehow, I have made a difference.
There are a few ways I use to measure success...
First of all, in order to be able to measure, we need to have some unit of measurement. So before I even start my conference, every time I step on stage, I always start with some sort of a poll or a survey. As you may know already, my topic is confidence, so what I do is ask them to rate their confidence level on a scale of 1 to 5. This way, even though confidence is not necessarily tangible, I can ask them to start thinking about this a little bit. Then, I give my one-hour or 75-minute or 90-minute training, and then afterwards, I have them take another poll or quiz or survey, and these numbers are tangible.
Now that I've given them the tools, the tricks, the strategies and all the processes in order to increase their confidence, then I can come back to the organization and say: your staff's confidence during my one-hour training has seen a 171% increase.
This is the first key: Where are you at? Evaluate where you are now, do something about it, and re-evaluate. That's going to give you an idea of how to measure your success.
Now, how can we keep the momentum? Because of course, as soon as I leave the stage, everybody feels invincible, but can we maintain this feeling? Schedule some time to figure out what you've learned. I mentioned a post-event meeting earlier. We review the concepts, and some people say: "Oh no, that's right. I totally forgot about that. I did not apply this at all, but I wanted to do that." Other say: "Oh, wait a minute. I just had some questions about this. I tried to apply this and that didn't work." And some will say: "Oh, yeah, already done it. I'm gold. I've done this already and I'm out to the next goal." Whether they had forgotten about the concepts or they had implemented them already, they are reminded of what they have learned.

I also make them commit to something that they will do. I recommend that you do that as well. When you finish your event, you've just taken all these notes and you have all these ideas, commit to something. For example, I get my audience to commit to one thing, one action, something concrete. I ask them to write down a progressive statement, something that will make them accountable, and then they put it in an envelope and I mail them the envelope a month later.
It's very interesting when you receive your promise statement by the mail. Some of them will have forgotten about it completely, while others are in the process of implementing it.

Lastly, have a plan. Every time you learn something new and you have a new idea, set a deadline. When are you going to revisit? What are you going to do with it? Send yourself some reminders. I send them something by the mail, as I previously mentioned. It could be something else, but make it something that is out of the ordinary so that you actually do something about it, because very often, the event ends, you're all excited, and then it kind of gets lost.
I hope you use these tools and stay motivated. Good luck!

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