I have been working nonstop for a few months to prepare for a few events, and I've been working for years on some other things. Whenever you achieve a goal, it's very easy to just keep going like nothing has happened. We need to take a step back, pause, and celebrate our victories, no matter how small.
I actually have a series of successes to celebrate right now, but how do you celebrate your success? I thought of 10 ways that I'd like to share with you...
I was on the main stage at canfitpro a couple of weeks ago to officially receive the 2021 Canadian Presenter of the Year Award. Because of the pandemic, the recognition happened on the main stage this year. I also got to present the 2022 recipient of the same award. I also was on the main stage at Women Who Influence, which is something that I've done before, but still required a lot of preparation. I gave many different sessions at canfitpro too, which were all a lot of work as well. We had a booth at the Trade Show, so that was another thing that took a lot of time, energy and investment.

Another big success is that the THINK Yourself® CONFIDENT podcast just reached 10,000 downloads! I'm very excited about that. On top of that, we're celebrating the 100th episode this week. Cool!
There are different ways to celebrate your success. Let's backtrack a little bit...
1. Celebrate With Friends Who Are Connected
Canfitpro is a huge conference every year. The first thing that I suggest is celebrating your success with friends who are connected to the event, people that get it, right? Sometimes, if you're successful at work, and then you come home and you tell your kids, they'll be like: "Oh, good for you." They can't get it. See if there are some people that are directly connected to the event or people that brought you to achieve this. People that know exactly what it is that you do. Even clients that are on the receiving end of your services. Invite them with you to celebrate and be part of it! Your clients are a huge part of your success.

My friend Emma received the same award that I received last year. She gets it, she understands. Sam and Kim did receive a Presenter Award last year as well, and Nathalie just received it this year.

Surround yourself with people who get it. They know the amount of work that you put in. There's no such a thing as an overnight success! Actually, I often say that receiving any kind of award is really a 20-year overnight success.
2. Celebrate With Other Friends
Spend time with friends that are disconnected to the success. Some people that are not necessarily related to what you do, but that you enjoy spending time with because they refill your bucket. People that have always been there for you. They're friends forever. They will be truly and genuinely happy for you.

3. Spend Time Alone
You also want to spend some time alone. Some alone time is really cool. Right after the event, I had planned a morning where I would be just by myself. I went for a walk, took the time to smell the flowers back in my old neighbourhood... It was refreshing. Plan some alone time to reflect on how things went and clear your head.

4. Document It
When you're about to live a milestone, hire somebody to document it, to take great pictures of the event in action, so that you can have good memory of it made by a professional! Dawn is an amazing photographer. I also had hired a videographer, Stacey. This is something you can plan in advance. Success or not, it doesn't really matter, because then, you have footage of it, and you can decide how to use it later in your marketing. So avoid the: “I don’t have any picture of it, I wish I had thought about asking someone to do that…”

5. Have Activities Lined Up
Have some activities lined up! Right after any event or any success, line up some activities. My husband and I had planned to go to Quebec City right after the event, so then I would get to see my family. We also went to see a Blue Jays game before we left Toronto. That was super fun. We connected with friends that we had not seen in a while. When we got to Quebec, I went to see the play Annie, my favorite childhood movie, with my cousin Marielle and my mom.

6. Enjoy Family Time
Spend some time with your loved ones. My parents, my brother, my niece and nephew, my cousin, my uncle, my aunt... It's really important to spend some time with people that refill your bucket, as I said earlier, and while friends are great, families are forever. You need both.

7. Schedule Time for Marketing!
Once you've lived your success, you want to make sure that you're going to post and advertise it. Be proud! Of course, this week, I will be advertising the 10K podcast downloads.
Find some ways to share the news with your network. I believe that the image of Women Who Influence below will make the cover of a magazine as well. Marketing is the key!

8. Have a Team Meeting
Afterwards, you also want to have a team meeting. Penelope and I had a meeting this week about the event. What went well, what could we change in the future? Is there anything that we could tweak next time? Were there any moments where we could have done something better? What could we have planned ahead?
We had a great meeting. Of course, it looks like it was an absolute success, but there are always a few little glitches and things that go wrong. Have a post-activity meeting just to touch base and plan what to re-do and what to avoid in the future.
9. Keep Your Number One Person Close By
If you can, bring your number one person along with you so that they are there. For me, it's my husband, Duff. He is my rock. He's the person that will hold me in his arms, no matter what, at the end of the day. I was so thrilled he was there with me and is always supporting me with all my million projects.

10. Ease Back Into It
Ease back into it! Instead of coming back home on a Sunday night and having to start working the next morning, waking up to millions of e-mails, we got home on a Friday night. We had the weekend to just ease back into it. I also made sure my schedule for the week after wasn't super packed, spending time with a friend from out of town, Sarah.
Right after an intense event, think about not going full-on a hundred percent the day after. Ease back into it.

Hopefully, these were interesting tips that you can implement the next time you experience success. Make sure you congratulate yourself, give yourself a pat in the back and say: "Hey, good job, my personal assistant, you did it. I want some more of that." Celebrate your victory, refill your bucket and then you can get working on your next success!

Once you've lived your success, you want to make sure that you're going to post and advertise it. Do you know how to?
The FREE Marketing Guide can help! Download your FREE copy of Nathalie's STEP-BY-STEP SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY.
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