Who's doing some home renovation right now? Who started some project? Who's rearranging the basement? Who's reorganizing the drawers? See, in our own way, we all revert back to doing some deep cleaning somehow and taking advantage of this time to do some house projects. How about you also take advantage of this time to do a Self-Renovation as well? Watch the video or read the transcript below to find out how to gut out your own old kitchen.
I got talking to a friend today and I said, "This is interesting because that's exactly what I do. That's my DNA system." Let's take a kitchen renovation for example. The first step is to decide what it is that you want. So the D, the Desire part, we want to realize: "Okay, so what do I want in my new kitchen?" You would make a folder and then you would put a sample of this paint. You want this countertop. You want these cupboards, you want this backsplash, paint chips. You'll put all that in a folder and get ready with all your samples and the things that you will want, the fabric you want on your chairs, and you will set up a plan.
It's the same for your life, for your career, if you're trying to reinvent your career right now, if you're trying to realize what you want in a relationship, or if you want to discover what you want to be happy and to clean up your life at the same time. We all have made a list, right? Creating; I want this, I want that, a vision board. Everybody's familiar with those. We all have these first step, the D, the D for desires, so what it is that we want. We set up a folder and then we put all the samples in. But then, what? Once you've made your plan, this is just a folder. You cannot cook in this folder. It is not a kitchen. You cannot invite people in the folder with samples. You need to install that into your existing kitchen.
And that's the problem. People try to go straight to step number three and they tried to install these cupboards over top of the existing counter, and they tried to install the island over top of the existing island. It's not going to work because you need step two. You need to gut out the old kitchen. You need to remove all the crap and all this stuff that was in your kitchen before that you no longer want. You need to remove all that in order to be able to install your new kitchen after. You need to go through that phase, and that's what I do. Because if you just stay at this stage of samples, if you just have your vision board... If vision boards worked and that was the end after that and there was no other step, we would all be driving Mercedes Benz and all live on a deserted island. Because we think it's the end of it all.
It is important to do a vision board, it is important to decide what you want, to make a list and then to know what it is that you want, but you need the second step. You need to gut out the old kitchen. Remove all the bad habits, the negative emotion, anger, fear, hurt, sadness, the anxiety going on right now. The fear of what is going to happen after this, how is the life going to go back, and the fears we had before. What if I cannot start my own business? What if I never can get along with my teenage daughter? What if I can never meet somebody that loves me? All the fears that we have and all the anxiety, all the limiting belief that we believe about ourselves. Maybe I'm not good enough for this? Maybe I should never apply for this promotion, I'm never going to make $10,000 for a speaking engagement and speak on a stage for 10,000 people.
We have all these fears and all these limiting beliefs that we need to gut out. So right now what I'm hoping that is happening is during this time, is we're taking time to gut out our kitchen. So not just physically doing some renovations, which is great that you take some time to fold your t-shirts properly in their drawer, but I'm talking about something a lot more important than your home. I'm talking about YOU. What do you need to gut out? We have gutted down a lot of bad habits already. We are no longer buying a whole bunch of stuff that we don't need. Our credit cards are not going up anymore. We're no longer wasting toilet paper. LOL.
You're no longer doing things that you used to do before. A lot of bad habits. Now, did we gain some new bad habits? Maybe. Maybe we want to do a quick clean up into that. For a lot of us who thought it would just be a two weeks or three weeks periods and everything would go back to normal, we may have left our nutrition good habits go away a little bit. We might want to revert to doing that. So check the habits, check out the things that you're doing. Is there anything that need to be gutted out? That's what I do. I help people get rid of the stuff that's holding them back. The stuff that is keeping you from being able to install your new kitchen, being able to install your new things, the good new habits that you want to have in your new life.
Because after all this, and there will be life after this trust me, that's one thing that I know for sure because our world has been through a lot of different wars, a lot of different dramatic events and we will come out of this, so whenever it happens, we want to all be able to live inside the person that we want to be. So who have you always wanted to be, and who do you want to become, and what are the steps that you're taking right now to get rid of the old stuff?
I'm very looking forward to see what will unfold with this situation and I think it's a great opportunity for us all to work on ourselves and try to spend some time by ourself, maybe away from Netflix, away from being with other people, just taking time to retract on to yourself and say what it is that I want to be and what will I want to be proud of the time that I had to work on myself and what will come out of this. So welcome to your new beautiful kitchen. I just thought that I would share with you the analogy that I use all the time in my business because that's what I do.

Nathalie, you’ve changed my perspective in my life 180degree. I am so grateful to talk to you when I really needed somebody to guide me. It’s amazing Not even within an hour you recognized me and how you can help me out! You are my hero!
It was very refreshing working with you Julia! You are awesome!