Do you know anyone who is too confident? Like borderline arrogant? Yeah. That person, that coworker. The person that started their job two weeks ago and that already wants a raise. How do you handle people like this? Keep reading or watch the video below for more...
Welcome to the final part of the Confidence at Work Series. As you may have noticed, we took a little break last week to talk about fighting forward. If you missed it, you can catch up HERE. Today, we're acknowledging something that is not often talked about: Having TOO MUCH confidence. Yes, it exists! Whenever I work with corporations or organizations, they fill out some questions in an audit I provide them with.
Today's blog is about the fourth question of my success audit: How do you deal with somebody that is too confident? I've got five tools for you.
#1. Stay Calm & Composed

Avoid responding with anger, with jealousy, or with defensiveness. When we are facing someone who is so confident that it turns into arrogance, stay calm and composed.

#2. Focus on Facts & Logic
When you are interacting with somebody who is borderline arrogant, you want to focus on facts and logic. Instead of engaging in personal attacks or getting into an argument, just focus on presenting the objective facts with logical reasoning. Encourage a rational discussion and stick to the topic without going into anything personal
#3. Maintain Assertiveness

Keep being assertive and express your thoughts and your opinions without being confrontational. Try using the word "I" instead of the word "you". For example, instead of saying: "You are like this.", try saying: "I feel like this when this happens." It's very different. When you maintain assertiveness, you say what happened, but you put the emphasis on the impact of what happened and what it caused for you as opposed to be attacking the other person personally. For example, you could say: “The email did not get to my inbox.” Or “I did not receive the email” instead of saying: “YOU did not send me the email.”

#4. Set Boundaries
Establish clear boundaries regarding what is an acceptable behavior and what is not. Communicate your expectations respectfully and potentially seek support from other people that are also around this person just to make sure it isn't just you. Do they experience the same thing? Is there a supervisor that could potentially help? An HR department? Make sure that you set your own personal boundaries.
#5. Demonstrate Humility

Lead by humble example. Be respectful, be humble, have empathy. You want to show that you are not entitled nor are you arrogant with concrete actions and interactions. Model all these positive behaviors around the people that may seem to be too confident.
Unfortunately, 85% of people lack of self-confidence, so of course, this problem may not be one you're very used to facing, but it does happen, and it is part of what I specialize in. Hopefully, you enjoyed the Confidence at Work Series. Stay tuned for next week's blog about managing change in the workplace. See you there!

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