Welcome to part two of the Change at Work Series. In PART ONE, we figured out why people don't like change. Today, let's go over how we can decrease our resistance to change. Whenever we see change coming up, we oftentimes have a tendency to panic, or to simply check off: "Nope. I don't like change, and I don't know how to do this." Keep reading or watch the video below for more...
You know the saying: "It's like riding a bike." You learn it once, and then you can ride a bicycle for your whole life, right? They improved, but it's still basically the same thing. How great would it be if you could learn everything once in your teens and then just be good to go? Unfortunately, that's not the case. I've got 5 keys for you today...
#1. Expect It

Things will change, and you are better than you think you are with change. Let's take technology, for example. People say: "Oh, I'm really bad with technology." Well, you are not that bad with technology, because you went from a rotary phone to a flip phone to a Blackberry with a keyboard, to a touch screen, and then all of a sudden, there was no more keyboard on your phone at all! Your phone updates every few months, and still, you are able to figure out how to find the pictures you took of your dog wearing a bikini.
You are good with change after all, because you expect it. You expect that there will be another thing to learn on your phone. The same thing can be applied to the tasks that you do at work, or the tasks that you do in your everyday life. Expect that it will change. It is not like riding a bicycle. Things change.

#2. Make a "Have-Done" List
An efficient way to recognize that you are good at change is making a "have-done" list. Make a list of all the things that you've done in the past and that you became good at. Think about the things that you were not good at and that you improved. More likely, making a "have-done" list and noticing all the things that you became better at will help you with your resistance to change, because it will show you that you've became good at other things before, so you can do it again.
#3. Work from Purpose

Instead of seeing a change as being in your way, try seeing it as being the reason why you will reach your purpose. Usually, change leads to being able to reach success. Doing the same thing over and over will always lead to the same results, but if you look at your purpose and you work backwards from there, you'll see how necessary change is if you want to reach your goals. Try asking yourself: "Why am I doing this? What is my goal? What is my purpose? What has to happen in order for me to get there?" Working from purpose and understanding that in order to get there, change must happen, makes it so much easier to do the thing that needs to be done.

#4. See Change As An Opportunity
See change as an opportunity, because without this change, you may not be able to become the person that you need to be. Change is always an opportunity for your own personal growth. It's a way for you to get better.
#5. Make it Up

Make it up. Distort. You may have read one of my previous blogs where I told stories about us being stuck in Haiti in the middle of the river. We were delivering some food, and then this guy came out of the trees with a big machete and we thought we were all going to die. We made up that horrible story, just to finally realize that the guy had just noticed that maybe we were thirsty, because we looked like we were hot and he was bringing us coconuts so that we could drink. That's why he had this big machete.

Sometimes, we make up stuff. Our brain has this very amazing way of distorting and exaggerating. What this means for us is that when a change comes up, we are going to naturally start making up some stories. Why not choose the story you want to make up? Distort it for it to be at your advantage! Instead of inventing something terrible, make up a story that will suit you. How much better would that be if you create a story that fits your success.
I hope these 5 keys will be useful. Next week, we will be seeing a formula to thrive through change. I'll see you there!

It would be great would it be if you could learn everything once in your teens and then just be good to go, but unfortunately, that's not the case.
Confidence is a crucial factor when facing change because it empowers individuals to adapt, grow, and embrace new opportunities effectively. Download your FREE copy of the Confidence Guide & discover 15 keys to find confidence & unlock your full potential!
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- The List of the 15 Keys to Confidence.
- Questions for You to Assess Your Current Situation.
- Questions for You to Take Action.
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