Do you know anyone who is too confident? Like borderline arrogant? Yeah. That person, that coworker. The person that started their job two weeks ago ...
"Um, that's not my job. Somebody else is going to do it." Have you ever heard that? Welcome back to the Confidence at Work Series. ...
Sometimes you're down, sometimes you're not at your best. Sometimes you're just not feeling it, and usually, it's happening in between your ears. Of course, ...
Confidence is valuable in our everyday life. In our personal life, of course, but it's also very important at work, especially with the times that ...
What do you do when your new boss hates you? I'm actually going to use a case study to answer this question today. True story: ...
You know, that “nice” smell when you're driving through farmland? I know you know what I'm talking about. You're like: "Oh my gosh, what is ...
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