Welcome to part two of the Mindset Check Series. How are we doing with our mindset about external pressure? Last time, in part number one, ...

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Today is the first part of a three-part series: The Mindset Check Series. Sometimes, people tell me: "Nathalie, I am going through a lot of ...

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What is the best way to make yourself feel better when you're stressed, when you're panicking, or when you're sad? It is laughter. Today is ...

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We all have one of those dopamine-spiking devices. Yes, I'm talking about our phones! Why are we so addicted to them? I include myself in ...

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Hey, it's Nathalie with the THINK Yourself ACADEMY. We're going to be talking today about five ways to be more confident at work. The very ...

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It's International Health Day! For the occasion, I thought I would talk about five different beliefs that can serve your health. You know how I ...

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