Do you feel like you are constantly reinventing the wheel? In the world that we live in, change is very present. There is no such thing as learning something once and then being done forever, because things continue to change. Sometimes, that can make us go into panic mode because of how fast things are evolving. That's why I thought: "Hmm, maybe a Change at Work Series would be beneficial." Keep reading or watch the video below to know more...
As I mentioned in some of my recent blogs, the corporations I work with always fill out a success audit. One of its sections is dedicated to change. A lot of people don't like change, but it happens anyway. We need to do something about this, don't we? This is a three part series, and today, we're going to see why people don't like change.
Let's talk about meta programs. Our meta programs are our internal drivers. They are a series of different personality traits that build who we are. There's over 66 of them, and Shelle Rose Charvet is the queen of meta programs worldwide. My bible is: Words that Change Minds. I use this book all the time.
In the work that I do with corporations and leaders, I work with about 16 different meta programs. Criteria, time, big picture or detail oriented... There are many different kind of meta programs. One of them is the decision factor meta program. More specifically, this is the one that is connected to change. Overall, 80% of people prefer things to stay the same. Let's break it down.

About 5% of people do not like change at all. They think: "No, I don't like any change at all. I like everything to stay the same, all the time, forever."

Sameness with Exceptions
Now, there are some people who like sameness... with exceptions. 65% of people, to be exact. They generally like things to stay the same, but with a few exceptions.
Sameness with Exceptions & Differences

About 10%. of people like sameness, but with some differences and some exceptions.

Then we've got the remaining 20%. These are the people who like change and differences. They're like: "Oh yeah, bring it on. I want big changes. I'm open and willing. This is how I thrive."
Let's look at what happens in the brain when a change happens. Change represents uncertainty, and uncertainty is threatening and is painful for the brain. The brain's job is to keep us safe and keep us alive, and it loves classifying things. As you may know already, the dendrites at the end of our neurons connect to create patterns. They are called synapses. Our brain has over 7,000 billion neurological connections. It likes order.
When change occurs, part of the brain is like: "What's going on? There's a change. I don't like that." That part of the brain is the amygdala. Our amygdala goes into panic mode and it triggers a fight or flight response. Now, the key words here are "panic mode". The panic button is pushed, and our brain does not like it. It creates a painful experience. Some studies even measured the type of pain stimuli that change triggers into the brain, and apparently, it would be the same as being punched in the face or breaking a bone. It is actually as painful as physical pain.

For our ancestors, change meant that maybe they would not be able to put food on the table to feed the family, because they lived in the wild and they had to face the elements, right? Nowadays, small little changes are still perceived by the brain as if they were life-threatening situations. This is why we don't like change. We are hardwired to keep things the same, 80% of us, to be exact.
Next week, for the second part of the Change at Work series, we'll be going over how we can decrease our resistance to change. I will see you there!

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Our meta programs are our internal drivers. They are a series of different personality traits that build who we are. There's over 66 of them. Do you know what drives you?
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