Did you know that the leaves don't change color in the fall? They're already orange and yellow and red. Check out the video to find out how it works...

Look at this magnificence. How beautiful! These leaves are like this now and they don't turn that way. They are already like that. That's, their unique tone, their unique color. And because of the chlorophyll that is present in the trunk of the tree that is sent through the stem, that chlorophyll is a photo sensitive nutrient who has lots of blue pigment. So it turns those leaves green during the summer. In the fall, when it gets really cold, the stem gets very narrow and then this blue pigment can not go through anymore so that’s when the leaves come back to their natural color, their magnificence. So in real life it's very similar. You are already this amazing color, you have everything inside, you have a unique color and a unique way to shine. 

And sometimes this chlorophyll keeps you from being at your best. It's either in the form of negative self-talk, self sabotage, limiting beliefs. That's what I do. I help people get rid of this chlorophyll so that my clients can shine and they can be their best. Be exactly what they're supposed to be and shine. 

Now I get it. There's one thing that you might be thinking: “Yeah, but once the leaves become that color, then they fall off the tree. They die.” 

That's the only difference between this beautiful nature and you. Once you get to your best, once you live to your full potential, you stay on the tree and the tree becomes stronger and bigger. So go ahead and shine! You are magnificent!

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