I got caught up in my own enthusiasm and I made a big mistake. If you too are in re-invention mode, watch the video or keep on reading to find out what NOT to do.
I recently set up a Google search so that whenever there was a convention happening in LA live, I’d be notified. Why did I do that? So I could apply to speak at those conventions! Because I love LA live. I love everything about it: the venues, the location, the sports, the entertainment. LA Live has it all. (For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, LA Live is the sports and entertainment district surrounding the STAPLES Centre and Microsoft Theater in downtown Los Angeles. It is the premier destination for entertainment, sports, night clubs and music venues. Need I say more?) I like to stay at the JW Marriott, right in the center of everything. My husband loves sports, so he comes with me. We go to a Clippers game and a Lakers game. In Winter, we catch a King’s game. Talk about a sports paradise! And the restaurants: great food and super fun. Imagine getting to speak at the Convention Center in the heart of all that?!
This week, I received a Google notification advising there’s an I O T conference coming up. I’m stoked! However, after getting all excited, I actually looked at the curriculum. Hmm, maybe I should find out what I O T means? Turns out it means Internet Of Things. Hmm. That doesn’t help me at all. So, I reach out to a friend in South Africa who specializes in Internet security thinking he might also be applying to speak at this convention. He wasn’t applying (even after hearing all about LA live), but suggested I could possibly speak about biohacking – if I wanted to put in the required research (he knows very well I speak about Mindset). All excited I Google what biohacking is. Hmm. Sense a pattern here?
What was I thinking? I can’t crash-research enough to step on stage and pass myself off as an expert at this conference. What was I doing? Well, I was doing the very thing I teach my client’s NOT to do. For years I’ve taught thousands of people to “Do what you're good at” because true success comes when you niche your business and capitalize on your passion and your skills.
Right now, millions of business owners are trying to reinvent themselves. Yes, this pandemic has forced us to expand outside our comfort zones. And, chances are, we will never go back to exactly the way things were. Things have changed. But that doesn’t mean you need to throw out your past 10 - 20 years of expertise or stop doing what you're good at. No. It’s still there and it’s still useful. However, you do need to repurpose your skills to remain useful in our new world. That’s right. I’m never going to become an expert in biohacking and you don't need to do something completely different either.
Here are two things you can do to ensure your business doesn’t become obsolete:
STEP ONE: Education. Find courses you can take to bring you to the next level in your existing field. That way, when businesses re-open you’ll be ready. If you don’t need a full course, is there any aspect of your business you could work on right now to improve your systems and processes, or how you attract clients? Remember, once we get going again, you’ll be busy working IN your business and will never have this much time again to work ON your business. Is there anything you can do now to ensure you hit the ground running and are prepared for success? That’s step one: enhance what you already know.
STEP TWO: Repurpose. For example, if you are a professional whose business has completely stopped right now, you could probably readapt your skills to make them work online. Let's say you worked in a gym, which is closed right now, you could take your fitness skills online. Offer your services in a web environment for people to log onto your platform, or host live Zoom trainings with your one-on-one clients. You want to readapt instead of completely reinventing yourself. You're still a fitness professional. You are not all of a sudden going to teach people how to do plumbing or how to file their taxes. Stay in your niche or look at new markets you’ve never considered before. Do what you're good at. If you wanted a plumber, you would trust the one who had years of experience at plumbing more than any Newbie, no matter how flashy her website was! Honour your past and the skills/ intellectual property you’ve built up over the years. Keep your niche and stay true to who you are. Focus on your gifts and your talents. Enhance and Readapt.
There’s a chance you may not know how to figure out what you’re good at or what your passion is. That’s what I teach. Right now, I’m working with my business mentorship clients on how they can tweak things and continue to make money living from their passion. As for me, I guess I’ll have to figure out some other way to get to LA Live!
On Tuesday June 16th at 11am PST / 2pm EST, I have been invited to co-host a free webinar with Maureen Hagan, C.O.O. of canfitpro to share our combined knowledge and expertise on how to set up the foundation on which to build your “new-normal”.

The world is uncertain right now and lots of people are scrambling to re-invent themselves.
All the sweat and hard work that you put into becoming the expert that you are today needs to be leveraged to give you the confidence to create your new comfort zone. It starts with understanding how the brain works, using your environment to your advantage, transforming the voice inside your head, knowing yourself and a one-minute daily strategy you can use every day that will ignite your confidence.
Join Maureen and myself on this journey towards finding the confidence your need to trust that you can make money living from your passion.