picture Best SellerThank you to all of you for helping me top Amazon Best Seller Lists with my New Book THINK YOURSELF THIN .

The new book hit the bestseller list on Amazon.com with a ranking of #1 in the Self Help category as well as #7 in Healthy Living and #17 in Diets and Weight Loss.

Think Yourself Thin follows my first book When You’re Hungry, You Gotta Eat! which was released in 2013.

In Think Yourself Thin, I combine my experience in life coaching, fitness, nutrition and Neuro-Linguistic Programming into a system that shows you how to reprogram your brain to lose weight effortlessly and how to keep the weight off for good. Think Yourself Thin combines the two crucial components of weight loss: nutrition and exercise, in a way that helps readers see the concepts in a more mindful way and leaves them craving healthy food and naturally wanting to exercise.

Why do we sabotage ourselves? Why is our brain doing this to us? If your body is a robot executing what the computer has been programmed for, there might be a software-programming problem in our brain. Who did the programming? You did! Every time you repeated to yourself that you were overweight.

The D.N.A. system stands for: DESIRE – NEW YOU – ACTUALIZE.

In THINK YOURSELF THIN, you will discover the complexity and power of the brain and how to elicit what you want (desire). You will learn how to make room for what you want and some techniques to clear any negative impact from your past (new you). And finally, you will learn how to program your brain with what you want (actualize).

I like to empower my clients to find within themselves what they need to be their best selves, stay focused and reach their goals all while feeling great! I don’t give advice. I help my clients access the astonishing amount of resources they didn’t even know they had within their DNA. In only a few sessions, we can recreate new neuro-pathways inside their brains which change their internal dialogue. After each session, they don’t just feel better, they can’t even remember how they used to feel. I am talking about long-term positive transformational changes.”

To purchase your copy of Think Yourself Thin visit the SHOP tab on my website!


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