What is balance in Life? Is it really between two things? Everybody talks about balance and does that gesture with their hand representing two things. Family and Job.


Are Family and Work the only two things we need in life? That would mean that if we find a balance between these two, we are okay? What happens to Personal Growth, Health & Fitness, Environment, Love and Romance, Friends, Money, Fun & Recreation?

Balance Wheel


I received a message from a friend yesterday that really got me thinking. He was telling me he had found BALANCE in his life recently as he learned to let himself fall in love again. Having been married for over 15 years, he had put romance aside. He has 3 amazing kids, a great paying career allowing him personal growth and allowing him to live in a pleasant environment. He also takes time to have fun and spends time golfing and skiing with his family. You would think that he had a perfect life? However, something was missing. Somehow, allowing himself to love again re-established that BALANCE.

I could spend hours talking about the balance wheel and how I use this tool all the time with my Life Coaching Clients. I will more likely go more in depth about this on another post… Stay tuned!

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  1. Great article! Wise words, I’ve recently given thanks for new found balance in my life and can very much relate.

    Keep spreading the word…


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