As I was sitting in the living room handwriting my Christmas Cards, (yes, I like the old-fashioned way), I got suddenly overwhelmed when I looked at the pile of blank cards. I felt like I did not ‘have time’ for Christmas this year. Like I have a choice. It’s happening anyway, whether I get on board on not. In fact, I am choosing to write these cards because I like it. I put on some Christmas music and decided to get in the mood instead of feeling like I “had to” take the time for these cards… It made a huge difference!

Can you relate? Do you also feel that you are too busy for Christmas sometimes? Do you have a love/hate relationship with the holiday season? Because it seems stressful to you too?

Events to go to, seeing family members, Christmas shopping, endless meals to prepare, overload of food, endless to-do lists… these are outside of your control and you can choose to be affected by them… or not.

Focus on what’s great about it! Your attitude facing what you call external pressure can easily turn it into the most amazing time of year with exciting things to do and amazing people to be with! See it with different eyes this year. It’s in your head!

In the prefrontal cortex, all emotions are created equal. The Brain doesn’t know the difference between anxiety and excitement. If you choose anxiety, your brain will send cortisol and negative chemicals through your bloodstream. If you choose excitement, the brain will send good chemicals, such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin (depending on the circumstance) and will give you the energy to face whatever seemed to be a challenge.

Just go with it and play the Christmas Carols in your head. Lighten your holiday season!

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