img_6818img_3731One day we took 84 of our new little friends to the beach. We pack 70 of them in the big Daihatsu, and the rest in two other vehicles. The ride there was crazy, some of them on top of the truck were playing drums on the roof while the kids were signing their lungs out.

When we arrived, we counted them coming out of the truck to make sure we knew how many kids we had with us. They then ran to the beach and started changing into their bathing suits, some of them being panties and underwear, some of them bathing suits they cherished in their locker since the last time they were at the beach 5 months ago. Most of them cannot swim so we swam with them, carrying them on our arms and back as they were floating away with laughter and splashing cries of joy. So much laughters
img_6813After an hour of cruising around with our exhilarated friends, they all received a bag of cheezies and some water. They were given a candy as they climbed back into the Daihatsu so we could count them again. Priceless moments they and We will remember for a long time! They are sooo much fun and so joyful! I really miss them already! I am feeling so guilty, back at home, in my ‘luxurious’ home compared to theirs, I live so close to the beach and yet, I take it for granted and I don’t enjoy it often enough… Just turning the tap or having a shower this morning made my eyes water.

I dropped lots of tears today writing these lines, wondering how my life will definitively be affected from now on, it already has been, for the best of course! I will be eternally thankful to all of you my new friends at Heart to Heart.
Such a transformational trip. And certainly not the last one!


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