If you tell someone, it doesn't count. That has always been my philosophy about acts of kindness. When you do something good, mentioning it to ...
Do you feel that sometimes, you just can’t get ahead? You work really hard and yet, you see no real results? Watch the video or ...
He was sitting by himself on the side. His tiny little body made me think he was about 4 years old. He had huge eyes, filled ...
November 2016, and I’m sitting in the courtyard of an orphanage in Haiti, surrounded by a couple dozen kids. It is after dinner and they ...
Dans la ville de Grande Goave, le marché est ouvert le mercredi et le samedi. Les fermiers vivent tres haut dans les montagnes ou ils ...
Dimanche nous sommes allés a l’église pour la messe. Normalement, la messe dure plus de 4 a 5 heures mais cette semaine, c’était différent parce ...
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