From March 22nd to 28th, Jill Davies and myself taught 12 Zumba classes in collaboration with the City of White Rock, from which the participants could choose as many as they wanted to complete the 7 days Zumba Challenge. We concluded the week with a 2 hours Zumba Party on Friday night, where we danced and celebrated with team teachers Clarissa Pastor and Tamara Aven whom made the event even more INSANE!!!!

Over 80 people participated in the week, doing anywhere from 1 to 7 classes and 6 ladies completed the full 7 days: Annette Hinderle, Brenda Harrison, Candace Ronse, Jacqueline Gaudet, Kim McGreevy, Meredith Bryant. Well done ladies!DSC04115 photo 4 DSC04142 DSC04138 DSC04136

Jennifer Carrs from the MS Society was with us to tell us her story through her MS journey and to accept the cheque of $1556.00 that will be used to advance MS research. Half of the amount will go to the MS Dragon Boating OFF BALANCE TEAM who paddles every Sunday morning at Grandville island.

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