Is there an actual reality or are we creating our own existence? Is life happening the way we think it is or are we making things up? What’s true and what isn’t? Keep reading or watch my video to find out more.
The fact is, we each live a different reality. Our life experiences stack on top of each other and determine the way we see the world. All of our experiences, challenges, joys and sorrows combine together with how other people have influenced us: parents, teachers, people who have helped us or made us happy, those who have hurt us or made us sad to form our own model of reality. Our brain sorts external information in our subconscious and determines what to retain and what to delete. It distorts some information or generalizes some other to form our beliefs. Our brain processes the information gathered from our experiences and uses that information to form our perspective which then contributes to our series of beliefs. Our subconscious decides what to make important or to link to specific causes and what to generalize. Have you ever noticed how a certain smell can trigger a specific memory? Or how hearing a particular phrase can cause a physical reaction in your body? That’s because your subconscious has linked those items together and signals your brain to believe it is reliving that experience. What your brain believes IS your reality. Therefore, your past experiences create your whole model of reality.
Perhaps you have had experiences in your life where people have let you down, been mean or abusive toward you, or they did not have your best interests at heart. Those experiences could have been stored in your subconscious in a way that created a limiting belief that everyone is against you. With that belief as your frame of reference, when somebody is actually nice with you, you might automatically start worrying or wondering: "Why is this person being so nice? They must have a hidden agenda. They can't really be that nice." Through no fault of your own, your model of reality became one of distrust and you can’t help but think people are out to get you. You don’t truly believe things can be great for you, so you start looking for problems – even where there are no problems.

A serious example of this is the mental health condition called ‘body dysmorphia’: when someone whose physical body is actually great can only see their flaws when they look in the mirror. No matter what other people tell them, their reality is different.
Then there’s the non-scientific opposite. I call this Nottoobaditis (not-too-bad-itis). Some people never seem to notice their own flaws at all. They think they are always right and look fantastic no matter what. They look at themselves in the mirror and no matter the reflexion, they say: “Hmmm. Not too bad!”
The reverse is also true. Some people may have been sheltered or protected from difficult situations most of their life, to the point that they become too trusting. Their preconceived notions that everyone is helpful is also a limiting belief. They have no frame of reference for when to use caution or cannot recognize danger until it’s too late. These people may become caught up in scams, directly conned or just end up in situations that don't serve their best interest. I must admit, I’m like that. If someone tells me to “go to hell” I will think that “Hell” is a new restaurant on the beach. I am so wired to see the best part of people that it doesn’t automatically occur to me that maybe someone may have bad intentions.

The reverse is also true. Some people may have been sheltered or protected from difficult situations most of their life, to the point that they become too trusting. Their preconceived notions that everyone is helpful is also a limiting belief. They have no frame of reference for when to use caution or cannot recognize danger until it’s too late. These people may become caught up in scams, directly conned or just end up in situations that don't serve their best interest. I must admit, I’m like that. If someone tells me to “go to hell” I will think that “Hell” is a new restaurant on the beach. I am so wired to see the best part of people that it doesn’t automatically occur to me that maybe someone may have bad intentions.
Basically, people all have their own way of viewing the world. It’s like we are looking through personalized visors. So, what do we do? First, try to identify your limiting beliefs. What is your view of the world? Is your “truth” serving you? Or, is it keeping you from growing? What past experiences are stored in your subconscious and keep you from seeing the world in a way that would serve you better? There is no way to live from a place of absolute truth or to know what reality really is, but you need to at least be aware that we have each made up our own model of reality and it is from that unique perspective that we each see the world. So, it’s true - life is what we make it.
No one knows what’s in the future, or what is going to happen next. We don't know what other people are really thinking or exactly why people do the things they do. If you think you know, trust me, your mind is making it up. The flip side is also true: what other people perceive about us is not reality either. It’s their notion of reality. Don’t let other people’s opinions or views of you, or what you can accomplish, impact your reality. Everything is perception. You get to choose which beliefs to hold onto and which ones to let go of.
So, since we’re all making it up anyway, why not make up something great? With proper training, you can control your own model of reality and decide what visor you will use to view the world. Why not create one to your advantage? If your past has caused you to believe you are not good enough or that you don’t deserve great things in life. Go inside and change those beliefs. Change the way you see the world. Through specific subconscious work, you can become one of those people who believes they can do anything. Wouldn’t you like to look in the mirror and see yourself as a lion, a tiger, or a God/Goddess?!?
What are you going to do to create the model of reality you want? A model of reality that will help you live a vibrant, happy, fulfilling life. Create a visor that will make you better, that will help you unlock your full potential.