Welcome to the first blog of 2024! Wow. A new year has officially started, and for a lot of people, it's time to make new decisions, make changes and commit to new goals. Last week, I mentioned that we must first, before we set new goals, take a step back and have a look at which goals we have achieved in the past year. The best trick I can give you is to make a "have-done" list where you celebrate everything you have achieved. Put yourself on a pedestal and congratulate yourself for all your wins, your learnings, your challenges... Everything! Keep reading or watch the video below for more about how you will never realize your dreams...
Once this is done, then that gives you a baseline for the new year. Now, as we're setting goals, we always start with dreams, right? You might have thought the title of my blog was pretty interesting, especially coming from me: "You will never realize your dreams... And that's okay".
Let me bring you back to Socrates. He has inspired science to look into the way of creating beliefs and how the world could be explained and controlled, even. The theory I'd like to bring forward today is the theory of the world being composed of two different things. A vitalistic component, which is more of a spiritual component, where we create things in our mind with our brain, and a materialistic component, a physical component to what things are.

Let's say you are thinking of an apple. You more likely, in your head, have the image of a perfect apple, but when you go to the produce department and you look at all the apples, there is no such thing as a perfect apple. You can visualize a perfect circle in your head, and then you take a pen and you try to recreate this perfect circle, and it's not as easy as it seemed, unless you have special instruments.

When I say that we are not able to recreate our dreams, it's because while the world is made of that dream component, it's also made of the physical material component. If it was possible, everything would be perfect, right? Nobody would have cellulite, nobody would lack confidence. Nobody would have any imperfections. We would all have perfect skin. We would be able to go in the sun and not burn. But if everything could be as perfect as the way it looks in our head, life would also be boring, right? We would be looking at life through pink lenses and everything would be even and equal.

When you are setting up your goals, when you are planning your year (January is a good time to do so), yes, use your vitalistic component, use your dreams, use your mind and dream big, which is great, and understand that when you transpose that into the real world, into its real materialistic component, it's not going to be perfect... And that's okay! Your vitalistic component is just a guide, it's a roadmap. It's a way to aspire to. When you transpose it into something that is more materialistic, potentially it's not going to be the exact same way you dreamt it, because everybody else's dreams impact yours.
Let's say you are applying for this promotion and you have this vision of you at the top of this firm or with this company or building your own business and having employees and staff or humongous success. Now everybody else in your team, all your clients, all the people that are going to be part of your vision also have their own vision, which will alter the dream that you had in the first place, and potentially for the better. Things are not exactly how we will dream them, and that's fine. When you look at all your dreams from last year, you may have started some and they went into a different direction, and that's fine, because things are moving, things are progressing, and things are never as perfect as they are in our mind.
Keep dreaming, keep using the vitalistic component and accept that it will not be perfect, and that's perfectly fine.

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