Why is everybody so angry now? Interesting. I'm not making this up: Companies now have policies and while you're waiting in line to speak to customer service, it says if you are disrespectful to the agent that you're speaking to, they will hang up on you and will not service you. If companies need to create these policies around mistreatment, it means that people have been angry and disrespectful. Why? Keep reading or watch the full video below to find out...
Controlling our emotions is becoming more and more important, because it's everywhere. It impacts businesses, it impacts relationships, it impacts the benefit of being healthy, and it impacts our wellbeing altogether.
So why is everybody so angry? Think about it as a pearl necklace that is being threaded: One new pearl every single time you get angry.

When you're between the age of zero and seven, you experience anger for the first time. Maybe your sibling or a friend steals your favorite truck and now you get super mad. You go into prefrontal cortex overload, and your unconscious mind comes to the rescue and says: "Don't worry about it. I'm going to take it and move it over there." It then goes farther down, potentially in your limbic brain, and your prefrontal cortex gets released and you feel better again. You've seen that in children, yeah? They're happy, then it's temper tantrum time, and then they're happy again. It's an emotional loop that is normal in infants, in children.
An emotional loop lasts for 30 to 90 seconds. That's how long it takes for somebody to experience a feeling. An event happens to us, we process the feeling and then we exit the loop. Now, the problem is, we've been through so many things, especially in the past four years. We've been through the wringer, and time seems to go faster and faster. We are going a hundred miles an hour, and there are so many external stressors. We have to compete all the time with so many to-do items that all seem very important. At the end of the day, every single little piece adds one pearl to our necklace.

When external pressure comes around, instead of going through one loop, we stay in the loop and go through every single pearl that was ever added to our necklace. It's like we are carrying all the luggage from our whole life of anger. The more we accumulate, the more we have been through events that made us grow, because that's what happens when you face challenges. The problem is, if you don't get the learnings out of it, you get stuck, you stay stuck, and your necklace keeps getting longer and longer and longer, and all of a sudden it strangles you, and it shows up where it shouldn't.
You get upset at your seatbelt in your car, but it's just a seatbelt. It didn't do anything to you. You get upset at the Tupperware drawer because it wouldn't close. We get upset so fast sometimes that we don't have access to our best self. We need to get rid of all that luggage we've been carrying. It is not serving us, and that is why people are so angry, because doing the work and getting rid of past trauma, past anger and past bad habits is not something common, and not a lot of people do that.

Great news, though: That's what I do. I help people get rid of these suitcases. You don't need to carry them anymore. Let's have a chat. Let's have a virtual coffee and let's see if I can help you or somebody you love get rid of a few pearls on their necklace.

We get upset so fast sometimes that we don't have access to our best self. We need to get rid of all that luggage we've been carrying.
Let's have a virtual coffee and let's see if I can help you or somebody you love get rid of a few suitcases.
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