Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing? Do you feel that sometimes, you just don’t want to be « productive »?

I used to multi-task all the time. My mind would go a million miles per hour, always planning, thinking, working and when I was not checking off something from my to-do list, I would feel guilty. Yep. Couldn’t stand the idea of doing « nothing ».

Somehow, I have taken a step back in the past few months. It is Saturday afternoon as I am writing this and I just woke up from a nap on the couch. Sooooo awesome! Today, I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t want to be an entrepreneur, I don’t want to be a coach, I don’t want to be a speaker, I don’t want to be a writer, a step-mom, a wife… I just want to « BE ». I even debated writing this very post. I did not feel like doing anything « productive ». Until I thought: « Why not writing about this very fact that I don’t want to write today. »

« The time that you enjoy wasting is not a waste of time. »

I understand the difference between wasting time because I get caught up in some insignificant mind-killing task and choosing to take a break. I know the difference between wasting my life and putting my dreams on the back burner and trusting that I am on the right path and that there is always tomorrow. I need to enjoy the process. Sometimes, we think we need to work 24/7 in order to get there. We say: « When I get there, then I will rest. » I know now that my dreams and my life purpose are inside me. They are not something that I am aiming for. There is no there. I am there. Right now. Today. 

Make each moment of your life amazing. Each minute is absolute, alive and significant. Make sure to be in control of each moment and chose to be doing what you are doing. Avoid the popular regrets that start with: I wish I had done…. I wish I had spent more time with… I wish I had been to… You are in charge of your life and you are the only one to decide what you use your precious time for.

And if you happen to ‘waste’ time, make sure you have chosen to do so. Make sure this is what you WANT and that it is not the time that is wasting your life.

What are you doing today? Right now? Allow yourself to BE what you want to BE, where you want to BE, with whomever you want to BE with.


Now if you will excuse me, I have to go downstairs and join my husband on the couch, or maybe we will play cards or just sit and do nothing.

Enjoy your Sunday!

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