I’ve just read this article on the MTP Spin website (news about cycling at Mount Pleasant’s GoodLife Gym) and I could not help it but sharing it with you. Marci lost 80 pounds and she is sharing her secret.

Not sure if Marci knows or not, but her tips are really in line with Life Coaching goal setting that DNA can teach you and guide you through.

Here is a summary:

Marci Weinstein – 10 tips to weight loss and a fitness lifestyle
Marci’s Ten Tips
1.     Identify your motivation or « burning desire ». Why do you REALLY want to lose weight or get fit? It needs to be compelling enough to make the hard work worth the effort. In the end it comes down to how bad do you really want it?

2.     Harness the power of your mind by reprogramming your thoughts. Replace those limiting beliefs like « what if I can’t » or « what if it’s too hard » with more positive, empowering thoughts like « what if I can » !

3.     Set small goals and relish in the sense of accomplishment you feel when you achieve them. They can be weight loss goals (eg lose 5 pounds this month), fitness goals (eg bench press 95 pounds or run a mile in under) or lifestyle goals (eg exercise at least 4 times a week or reduce eating out to no more than once a week). Just make sure they’re measurable and that you reward and acknowledge yourself when you reach them.

4.     Empower yourself with knowledge. There are plenty of people who’ve already done what you want to do and resources are available to help you overcome any challenge you might be having. It’s just a matter of taking the time to do your research.

5.     Persistence, persistence, persistence! The weight loss journey is full of ups and downs but if you stick with the healthy lifestyle changes you’re making you WILL get there. Just take it one meal and one workout at a time.

6.     Change your habits. Identify your most unhealthy ones and replace them with healthier choices that are aligned with your goals. That way you don’t have to depend on willpower but have programmed your life for success.

7.     Challenge yourself. Try something you’ve never tried before – a new class or a new exercise. Change your workouts every few weeks. Variety will keep you from getting bored and you might just surprise yourself with what you can actually do. It feels incredible to conquer your fears and master new skills.

8.     Increase your protein intake and make sure to include some protein with every meal. It keeps you full, maintains your blood sugar levels and helps burn calories due to it’s thermogenic effect.

9.     Eat as cleanly as possible. Replace processed foods and simple carbs with lean protein, vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Focus on improvement not perfection (it’s OK to have a cheat meal now and then).

10.  Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Their encouragement is key to keeping you on track.

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