I have encountered a number of obstacles when building my brand and my business. Last week, I opened up and spoke about the number one thing holding me back. If you missed it, you can catch up HERE.
Have you ever tried building your own website? Have you ever tried to connect a cart to allow transactions, or even just tried to make changes? Move a section to another section, or make a button that acted as a link, so that another page would load when the button was clicked? Have you ever tried to do any of this? I know I have. Watch the following video or read the text below for more…
Let me take you back about seven or eight years ago. I had a website. I hated it. I hated my website. It was old and outdated. It was definitely not converting, either.
That's the thing about websites : It's not just about having a website! On one hand, it’s true that it is your credibility. If you're an entrepreneur, you want to have a website to allow people go check you out and see if you're legit, right? That's definitely one thing, but it's another to have a website that actually converts clients, that when people go see your website, it somehow, down the road, will turn into money in your bank account. My website was none of what I just said. It was NOT working. It was ugly.
I needed help, but I didn't have $4,000 for someone to do it for me, so I tried to make changes myself. I would constantly see the same few words coming up all the time: "Error 502". I would click on something else and try something new, and then I would think: “Oh, I got it this time.” I would watch video tutorials to try to figure how to do this, would Google search everything, but I would still end up in no man’s land. Furthermore, I didn't even know there was actually a draft mode, so whenever I was making these changes, it was live on my website. People could see exactly what I was trying to change (and failing to do so…)

Honestly, it was a nightmare. I know that a lot of you can relate to this too because just this morning, I hung up with a client that is totally stuck. She said: "Nathalie, can you help me with with my website?" I think it's very interesting that she came to me because I am now perceived as somebody that can help people with tech stuff, while I'm not a techie at all. Yet, I was able to help her this time.

When I create new courses, I listen and I do business mentorship with entrepreneurs. If I had a penny every single time someone has told me that they were stuck with their website, or that they didn't like their website or that their website was outdated, or that they were stuck with some piece of technology... I would be a millionaire, because that's the question that comes back THE MOST!
I help entrepreneurs make money living from their passion and part of this means getting online and making things automated. In order to do that, you kind of need a website.
Most of my clients have all the tools they need. They are amazing at what they do, but maybe, their website is not serving them.
I was getting a whole bunch of people asking me for help and they pretty much all voiced the fact that they couldn’t really afford to hire someone to redo their website for thousands or dollars, or tweak it so that it would bring more business. Then I thought: "This is going to be the topic of my next course." Because that’s how most of my courses are created: I do business mentorship and from the frequently asked questions of my clients, I created the THINK Yourself® A Business Pro series because it included the 10 steps to a successful business that I teach my clients all the time.
Instead of spending 10 hours with my clients so that I could give them all, individually, the answers to everything that could be included in one single course, I created the Online THINK Yourself® Academy. I recorded the most frequently asked questions and created several online little courses, like the THINK Yourself® a Tech Pro course: 10 Apps that I Use in My Business That Saved me Time with Technology.

As part of that THINK Yourself® a Tech Pro series, I've created a new course, and I didn't do it alone. I’ve recruited Michelle, my web engineer. You have no idea how amazing it is to have a geek in your corner that will teach you and show you how, and that will tell you exactly how to do it quickly and effectively so that you don't go down the rabbit hole. Michelle and I have created a step-by-step course on how to build a WordPress website and how to integrate with the Thrive Package, which is going to be saving you so much time. It's going to allow you to have a gorgeous, really professional looking website without breaking the bank.
One of the things I understood working with Michelle on this course is that technology IS going to fail. This is a very interesting promise: I promise that whatever you do, even if you follow all the steps, at some point, it's not going to work. And when you start working with the mindset that technology has lots of different boxes to tick and lots of different things that could go wrong, and that even with everything being set properly, there will be moments where the system is going to fail, or the host is going to fail…

When it does happen, instead of getting frustrated, you will have been expecting it and will be able to say: "Huh, okay, this is normal. It's technology. And it's okay for technology not to work sometimes." Start with this understanding that technology is evolving, and if your website was working perfectly fine, and all of a sudden something doesn't work, it might be because one component of the technology has changed, which is normal because technology changes all the time.
That’s why we're going to have this V.I.P. package in the course where you can access our Facebook group to ask questions to Michelle, for a couple of months after your purchase. You're allowed to have access to somebody to ask questions to, because honestly, you might need it. Even if you think you’ve followed every single step, you might miss one little check box, and then you’ll get stuck. Or all of a sudden, you click on the button and it doesn't connect. Well, you will have access to somebody to help you out, to work with the technical aspects of the course too.

Check out this course: it's coming out next week. It's part of the THINK Yourself® a Tech Pro Series, and it's the THINK Yourself® a Tech Pro: Build Your Own Website. We even show you how to connect a cart to your website and how you can link your Facebook pixel to it so that it tracks your social media as well.
You will learn how to install magnets, because you always want to have a magnet. We will tell you about fonts, about colors, about how to actually build a professional website without breaking the bank.
I'm very, very excited about this course. I have to say, I would have really liked to have this course when I was stuck with my own website, some time ago. Don't get me wrong, I did have a website, it's not like I needed to build one from scratch, but what I'm learning with Michelle, when we built that course together, is wonderful. All the while, I was thinking: "Oh my gosh, why did I not have this on my website? Why didn't I have this package?" I do believe that this is something that is holding a lot of entrepreneurs back, unfortunately.
I always try to be on the lookout for what my audience needs. I do realize that some of you signed up for my newsletter because you were interested in my THINK Yourself® HEALTHY or another program, and that not all of you are entrepreneurs. You may not even have a website and this might not be of interest for you. That's why I try to alternate my topics. This week, it was all about entrepreneurs. Hopefully, this was useful. If you know of anyone who needs to upgrade their website, that might be the course for them!
Check out the THINK Yourself® A TECH PRO - BUILD Your WEBSITE - The course is ready now!
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