I have to share this with you. You know how, very often, I share tech tips with you? I use a green screen, I know my way around Zoom, and if I may say so myself, I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to technology. Well, I have to share something really bad that happened to me. Watch the following video or read the transcript to know what happened…
I'm not very impressed with myself, but you know what? Things happen, and you have to make the best of it.
I was presenting at a convention and was the featured keynote speaker. So, I kind of dressed up, you know? I wore this long jumpsuit with a zipper in the back. I had a few minutes after my presentation to freshen up and go to the bathroom, but I had to be quick, because I had a booth. A booth is kind of like a virtual room where people can come and chat with me after my presentation, ask questions, etcetera.
I went to the bathroom and as I tried to remove my jumpsuit, the zipper got stuck at the bottom, but not low enough so that I could take the jumpsuit off. I thought: “Okay, well then, I’ll go to the bathroom after, because right now, I don’t have time to take care of that.” I went back to my booth and the whole time, this thing was wide open, flapping at the back. I thought: “Okay, you know what? That’s fine, I’ll have some free time soon, there won’t be people in my booth the whole time. I will eventually have time to go to the bathroom and try to get the zipper unstuck." My husband wasn't home either, so he couldn't even help me.

As time passed, one person left, the other one arrived. They left, and another arrived. I was never able to go! Soon enough, I had to go into my next session. I was twisting around in my chair because by then, I REALLY had to go to the bathroom… It had been two hours since I first had tried to unzip my jumpsuit!
So, I started presenting and there comes a moment during my presentation where I had to stand up and turn around to demonstrate something on the green screen, or bend over and pick up something I wanted to show the viewers, and so on. As I turned around, I suddenly remembered my back zipper was wide open! I turned around and came right back to my chair facing front, and I thought: "Oh my gosh, this was really bad. It looks so unprofessional." But you know what? You got to make the best of it.
Another time, during a presentation (I was not presenting that time, I was a participant) I had turned off my camera. It was super interesting, but I was doing something else at the same time. I was actually clipping my toenails. Cause I had time, you know? I was just watching. It was very interesting. I was paying attention. I knew the speaker; she’s one of my friends. At some point she said something about me, she mentioned something that she had learned from me. I turned my camera on, just to smile for a bit, so that she would know that I was there. She smiled back at me and I turned my camera back off and went back to my toenail clipping. I looked at the monitor sometime later and I see her presenting. And then… I see the little thumbnails of all the participants, and I see myself clipping my toenails. I immediately realized: “If I can see myself, that means they can see me too. That means my camera is not off!” It was so embarrassing!
These things happen to all of us and they happen to me. I would like to consider myself a professional speaker and yet, it happens all the time. "Oopsie" moments happen, and that's fine. Did you do something in your life recently that made you feel a little bit embarrassed? You have to realize that: Hey, you’re human and it's fine. It's totally okay." Things happen!

I wanted to share this with you because I know that there are lots of limiting beliefs linked to presenting online, to technology and to being bad with technology but at the end of the day, we're all in this together. We're all learning. To be honest, I don't think that I will ever wear a full-on jumpsuit again when I'm by myself at home and I have nobody to help me get out of this thing. By the way, eventually, yes, my husband showed up and got me out of it and I went to the bathroom. But you see, it happens to all of us. I thought I would share this with you and hopefully give you a good laugh because at the end of the day, if we can't laugh at ourselves, then we're not worth much.
Enjoy the week, everyone, and hopefully, you got a good laugh out of my story today.
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