As a one-on-one coach, my clients bring different types of problems to me when we meet, but the very first question I ask them is this one: "How do you sleep?"
Whether they want me to help them with their confidence, with their business, or even with communicating with their teenage daughter... Whatever it is, that's the first question that I always ask them.
In today's blog, we're going to go over 4 strategies that may help you sleep better. Watch the following video or read the full blog below for more...
If you don't get a good night's sleep, it doesn't matter the kind of problems you have. They WILL be amplified, as we've seen a couple of weeks ago. Your problems seem 60% worse if you have had a bad night's sleep, because the amygdala over-produces when we are sleep deprived.
A lot of my clients, after just one session with me, wanna hug me (well they hug their computer because we are meeting virtually now) and they tell me: "Oh my gosh, you have changed my life. You're so amazing!" Well, no, actually, I just helped you sleep better! When we sleep better, everything is more amazing. Like a force that now serves them. Of course, changing your mindset is everything, but sometimes, just changing the quality of your sleep is already amazing.

Technique #1: Identify and Change Your Limiting Beliefs about Sleep
What do you tell yourself? "Oh, I'm an early bird." "I'm an I'm a night owl." That thing that you believe is true about yourself, is it really? What if you have an early morning meeting and you have to wake up at 5:00 AM? Are you going to skip it because "you're an night owl"? Of course not! You can be whatever you want to be, you just have to plan ahead, just like we saw in last week's blog (HERE).
Change those limiting beliefs that you may have about sleep. How do we do that? How do we change? Remember you all have your own personal assistant, listening to everything that you say or think.

Technique #2: Use the Two-Step Technique that will help you sleep better
Remember the two-step technique that I've been teaching you for a while? Let's do a quick recap. First, start talking about it in the past: "I used to be a bad sleeper. It used to take a lot of time for me to fall asleep. I used to wake up many times at night. I used to up groggy and feeling bad."
Next, use a progressive statement: "I'm willing to learn how it feels to wake up feeling rejuvenated. I'm in the process of learning how to fall asleep faster. I'm in the process of sleeping through the night. I'm willing to learn how it feels to wake up in a really great mood after my full sleep cycle."
Use that two-step technique to start talking about it in the past, because being a bad sleeper is not a characteristic in your personality profile and it's not set in stone. You can change this. It is possible.

Technique #3: Find the Intention behind your light sleep
What is the intention behind the behavior? When did it all start? for example, a lot of people become light sleepers when they have kids because they feel like they cannot enter the deep sleep phase in case their little one needs something. This happens to a lot of parents, because all of a sudden, their most important job is to be alert for their children.
This was my husband's case. His previous wife was a very deep sleeper, so when his kids were young, he needed to be alert during the night for them. He became a light sleeper, and it stayed that way even though many years have passed. And now, he's married to me: another deep sleeper! At first, he felt like it was still his job to stay alert, because the intention behind his behavior was that he needed to be there to protect me.
You need to tell your personal assistant that you want to be alert during the night, but just for things that need your attention: "If something needs my attention during the night, make sure that you wake me up. If the noise that is happening around me is irrelevant and I don't need to attend it, let me sleep." If your house catches on fire, you'll wake up, because you've told your personal assistant to only wake you up for things that actually need your attention.

Technique #4: Write a Statement for your Personal Assistant to help you sleep better
Tell your personal assistant what you want, not what you don't want. Write down a statement and say something like: "My name is [blank], and I am willing to learn how it feels to be a good sleeper." So, talk about how you want to fall asleep: "I want to be able to fall asleep easily and then go from phase one to phase two and have a good light sleep until I get into phase three. I want to sleep through the night and stay in bed the whole night. I want to wake up feeling rejuvenated."
Remember to say what you want in your statement and read it a few times before you go to sleep.
You can also give your personal assistant a job. We'll see more about that in the next segments, coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Until then, I hope these 4 techniques helped! Enjoy!

Parents hear this every day. Sometimes we lose sleep worrying about our kids. We want them to do great and we don’t like when they let their negative self talk keep them from reaching their full potential.
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