$97 / year 


  • Bi-Weekly THINKLetter including PREMIUM CONTENT
  • Access to ONE online course*
  • Access to ONE session of a Live Virtual Group Mastermind*
  • Access to Discounts on Online Courses



In a world where isolation and AI are diminishing human collaboration, the THINK Yourself® Community is your springboard for genuine connection and shared growth.

Join us to rediscover the power of teamwork and authentic relationships in a digital age.


$97 / year 


  • Bi-Weekly THINKLetter
  • Access to ONE online course*
  • Access to ONE session of a Live Virtual Group Mastermind*
  • Access to Discounts on Online Courses


$197 / month (pay as you go)


$985 / year (get 7 months free)

  • Bi-Weekly LIVE VIRTUAL GROUP MASTERMIND with Nathalie 
  • Bi-Weekly THINKLetter
  • Access to 2 Coaching Sessions per year - One-on-One with Nathalie*
  • Access to Online Courses Bundle - According to the Mastermind Topic you will choose.
  • Access to Discounts on One-on-One Coaching with Nathalie
  • Access to Deep Discounts on Online Courses



$97 / year


$197 / month 
(pay as you go)


$985 / year 
(get 7 months free)


$197 / month 
(pay as you go)


$985 / year 
(get 7 months free)


$197 / month 
(pay as you go)


$985 / year 
(get 7 months free)


$197 / month - pay as you go

or $985 / year - one payment

OVER $12,000


Mastermind Group Meetings every two weeks.
*exceptions with holidays, etc. approx. 20 meetings per year.

VALUE: $7,000

The conversation topics discussed will be decided by an initial survey filled out by the members, so that you will have a vote as to what specific challenges you would like to address. We will also use the content of the online courses to direct our conversations. Each of these topics can serve as a focal point for discussion, providing mastermind members with actionable strategies and peer support to overcome these common challenges. Topic ideas may include:

  • 1. Building Self-Confidence

    • Strategies for overcoming self-doubt.
    • Techniques to build and maintain self-confidence in professional and personal settings.
    • Addressing imposter syndrome and feeling "good enough."
    • Learning to accept compliments and achievements.
  • 2. Managing Stress and Burnout

    • Recognizing signs of burnout and strategies for prevention.
    • Balancing work-life demands to reduce stress.
    • Effective time management and prioritization techniques.
    • The role of physical exercise, diet, and sleep in stress management. (Covered in greater depth in the Health & Fitness Mastermind). 
  • 3. Overcoming Anxiety

    • Coping mechanisms for dealing with anxiety in high-pressure situations.
    • Addressing social anxiety and improving public speaking skills.
    • Developing mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
    • Identifying and managing triggers that lead to anxiety.
  • 4. Dealing with Negative Self-Talk

    • Identifying patterns of negative self-talk and their origins.
    • Reframing negative thoughts into positive affirmations.
    • Techniques for interrupting and redirecting negative mental loops.
    • Building a more compassionate inner dialogue.
  • 5. Setting and Achieving Goals

    • Overcoming fear of failure when setting ambitious goals.
    • Staying motivated and focused despite setbacks.
    • Creating a realistic action plan and accountability measures.
    • Celebrating small wins to boost morale and confidence.
  • 6. Navigating Career Transitions

    • Confidence challenges during career changes or pivots.
    • Managing uncertainty and fear in a new job or role or as a start up entrepreneur.
    • Developing a growth mindset in the face of change.
    • Strategies for networking and building relationships in a new environment.
  • 7. Improving Communication and Assertiveness

    • Overcoming fear of confrontation or rejection.
    • Developing assertiveness in expressing needs and boundaries.
    • Effective communication strategies in difficult conversations.
    • Building confidence in asking for what you deserve (e.g., raises, promotions, charging what you are worth).
  • 8. Coping with Perfectionism

    • Identifying how perfectionism contributes to stress and anxiety.
    • Strategies for letting go of the need to be perfect.
    • Learning to embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth.
    • Redefining success to include self-compassion and balance.
  • 9. Building Resilience

    • Developing the ability to bounce back from setbacks.
    • Techniques for staying positive and focused during challenging times.
    • Building a support network to help during tough periods.
    • Learning to adapt to change and uncertainty with confidence.
  • 10. Mindfulness and Mental Well-being (covered in greater depth with the Health & Fitness Mastermind)

    • Incorporating mindfulness practices into daily routines.
    • Using meditation and breathing exercises to reduce anxiety.
    • Developing a daily self-care routine to enhance mental well-being.
    • Understanding the connection between physical health and mental health

Access to Online Courses Bundle 
*For the pre-paid yearly plan or the duration of your membership.

VALUE: $700

  • THINK Yourself® CONFIDENT - 15 Keys to Unlock Self-Confidence
  • THINK Yourself® INTO ACTION - Keys to Get Unstuck and Move Into Action: Eliminate Overthinking & Procrastination. 
  • THINK Yourself® A RELATIONSHIPS PRO - Collaborate - Influence - Lead - Sell - Get Along 

Access to 2 Coaching Sessions per year
One-on-one with Nathalie *one 60-minute session every 6 months 
*Must have membership if using the 'pay-as-you-go' option

VALUE: $700

One-on-one transformation coaching offers a range of benefits, especially for individuals looking to overcome obstacles, get unstuck, and achieve lasting personal and professional growth. Here are some key benefits:

1. Personalized Attention

  • Tailored Strategies: The coaching is customized to your specific needs, goals, and challenges, ensuring that the strategies and exercises are directly applicable to your life.
  • Focused Support: You receive undivided attention, allowing the coach to deeply understand your unique situation and provide targeted guidance.

2. Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • Uncover Root Causes: Coaching helps you identify the underlying beliefs and patterns that are holding you back, often revealing issues you may not have been aware of.
  • Reframe Negative Thoughts: Coaches work with you to challenge and reframe limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering ones that support your growth.

3. Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward

  • Clarify Your Vision: Coaching helps you gain clarity on what you really want, setting a clear direction for your life and career.
  • Break Through Barriers: Coaches provide tools and techniques to help you overcome obstacles, whether they are mental, emotional, or situational, allowing you to move forward with confidence.
  • Actionable Steps: You’ll work together to create a step-by-step plan that moves you from where you are to where you want to be, making progress tangible and achievable.

4. Accountability and Motivation

  • Regular Check-ins: The consistent structure of one-on-one coaching ensures that you stay on track with your goals, holding you accountable for the actions you commit to.
  • Continuous Motivation: Coaches provide encouragement and support, helping you stay motivated even when challenges arise, keeping you focused on your end goals.

5. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Confidence

  • Deep Self-Reflection: Coaching sessions often involve exercises that deepen your understanding of yourself, your strengths, and areas for growth.
  • Build Confidence: As you begin to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, your self-confidence grows, empowering you to tackle even bigger challenges.

6. Transformational Change

  • Lasting Impact: Unlike quick fixes, transformation coaching focuses on creating deep, sustainable change that lasts well beyond the coaching sessions.
  • Empowerment: You learn tools and strategies that not only help you in the present but also equip you to handle future challenges independently.

7. Improved Decision-Making

  • Clarity and Focus: With a clearer understanding of your goals and values, decision-making becomes easier and more aligned with your true desires.
  • Increased Resilience: Coaches help you develop the resilience to navigate uncertainty and make decisions with greater confidence, even in difficult situations.

8. Better Relationships

  • Communication Skills: Coaching often includes work on improving how you communicate with others, leading to more fulfilling and effective personal and professional relationships.
  • Emotional Intelligence: You’ll gain insights into your emotional triggers and responses, helping you manage emotions better and interact more positively with those around you.

9. Greater Fulfillment and Happiness

  • Aligned Goals: By working on goals that truly matter to you, you create a life that feels more authentic and fulfilling.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: As you overcome what’s holding you back and take control of your life, stress and anxiety often decrease, leading to greater overall well-being.

10. Supportive Environment for Growth

  • Safe Space: Coaching provides a non-judgmental, confidential environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings freely, fostering genuine growth and self-discovery.
  • Encouragement to Dream Big: Coaches challenge you to think bigger, expand your horizons, and pursue opportunities you might not have considered on your own.

Transformation coaching is powerful because it addresses both the immediate obstacles in your path and the deeper issues that have been holding you back, enabling you to achieve meaningful, lasting change.

Access to Deep discounts on Online Courses
Over 15 courses to choose from *Excluding Coaching Certification and Children's Programs - Build Your Website Discount on Basic Program only.

VALUE UP TO : $2,590

Access to Discounts on One-on-One Coaching
with Nathalie *Up to 12 sessions per year

VALUE UP TO : $1,050

One-on-one transformation coaching offers a range of benefits, especially for individuals looking to overcome obstacles, get unstuck, and achieve lasting personal and professional growth. See all Key benefits HERE.

By-Weekly THINK Letter

VALUE: $97/year
  • Exclusive, In-depth Content
  • Deep Dives and Insights not covered in the Free THINK Yourself® Newsletter.
  • Step-by-step tools to implement immediately to improve your business, your personal development, or specific skills.


$197 / month - pay as you go

or $985 / year - one payment

OVER $12,000


Mastermind Group Meetings every two weeks.
*exceptions with holidays, etc. approx. 20 meetings per year.

VALUE: $7,000

The conversation topics discussed will be decided by an initial survey filled out by the members, so that you will have a vote as to what specific challenges you would like to address. We will also use the content of the online courses to direct our conversations. Each of these topics can serve as a focal point for discussion, providing mastermind members with actionable strategies and peer support to overcome these common challenges. Topic ideas may include:

  • 1. Entrepreneurship & Building a Business

    • BI Business Intelligence: How to grow a business sustainably, what are the key elements into building a successful business. 
    • Finding Product-Market Fit: Strategies for identifying and refining the ideal target market and ensuring our services are positioned to meet their needs, vs trying to make the market fit ours.
    • Leadership and Team Building: Building a strong team of collaborators, assistants, employees, partners, leadership challenges, and maintaining the focus on our values as the business grows.
    • Time Management: Prioritizing tasks and balancing work-life responsibilities as an entrepreneur.
    • Efficiency: Assessing business practices to know what to focus our energy on, in a world with so many attractive projects that can direct us towards rabbit holes more often than we'd like.
  • 2. Sales

    • Sales Strategy Development: Crafting a sales plan that aligns with business goals, target markets, and product offerings.
    • Lead Generation: Effective techniques for generating high-quality leads and maintaining a steady sales pipeline.
    • Closing Techniques: Best practices for closing deals and improving conversion rates.
    • Sales Objections Handling: Overcoming common objections and refining your sales pitch to address client concerns.
    • Building Long-term Client Relationships: Strategies for customer retention, upselling, and cross-selling.
    • Playing the long-term game: Strategies to build a pipeline of continued leads and playing the long game so that every month, some leads come to fruition.
  • 3. Marketing

    • Brand Building: Developing a strong brand identity and messaging that resonates with the target audience.
    • Digital Marketing Strategies: Leveraging content marketing, social media, and email marketing to reach and engage customers.
    • Customer Acquisition vs. Retention: Balancing efforts between acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones.
    • Marketing Automation: Implementing tools and technologies to streamline marketing efforts and improve efficiency.
    • Creating a Marketing Funnel: Designing and optimizing a marketing funnel that converts leads into customers.
    • Testimonials: Acquiring and using testimonials.
  • 4. Technology & Innovation

    • Tech Stack Optimization: Selecting and integrating the right tools and platforms for business operations, from CRM to project management.
    • Digital Transformation: Adapting to technological changes and implementing new technologies to improve business processes.
    • Adopting AI : Leveraging AI technology as ADVISORY INTELLIGENCE to automate tasks, analyze data, and improve decision-making.
    • Tools & Tech: Tech tips, tricks to save time and be more productive.
  • 5. General Business Challenges

    • Navigating Economic Downturns: Strategies for surviving and thriving during economic challenges.
    • Customer Feedback: Using customer feedback effectively to iterate on and improve products or services.
    • Partnerships and Collaborations: Building and maintaining beneficial business partnerships and collaborations.
    • Exit Strategies: Planning for eventual business exits, whether through selling, merging, or passing the business on.

Access to Online Courses Bundle 
*For the pre-paid yearly plan or the duration of your membership.

VALUE: $1,000

  • THINK Yourself® A SALES PRO - LEARN HOW TO SELL, CHANGE, IMPROVE,  COLLABORATE, INFLUENCE & LEAD using the STYLE-L.I.S.T. Personal Assessment Tool to Transform Yourself and Master Communication.
  • THINK Yourself®  A TECH PRO PART ONE - 10 Apps & Shortcuts to Save Time with Technology

Access to 2 Coaching Sessions per year
One-on-one with Nathalie *one 60-minute session every 6 months 
*Must have membership if using the 'pay-as-you-go' option

VALUE: $700

One-on-one transformation coaching offers a range of benefits, especially for individuals looking to overcome obstacles, get unstuck, and achieve lasting personal and professional growth. Here are some key benefits:

1. Personalized Attention

  • Tailored Strategies: The coaching is customized to your specific needs, goals, and challenges, ensuring that the strategies and exercises are directly applicable to your life.
  • Focused Support: You receive undivided attention, allowing the coach to deeply understand your unique situation and provide targeted guidance.

2. Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • Uncover Root Causes: Coaching helps you identify the underlying beliefs and patterns that are holding you back, often revealing issues you may not have been aware of.
  • Reframe Negative Thoughts: Coaches work with you to challenge and reframe limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering ones that support your growth.

3. Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward

  • Clarify Your Vision: Coaching helps you gain clarity on what you really want, setting a clear direction for your life and career.
  • Break Through Barriers: Coaches provide tools and techniques to help you overcome obstacles, whether they are mental, emotional, or situational, allowing you to move forward with confidence.
  • Actionable Steps: You’ll work together to create a step-by-step plan that moves you from where you are to where you want to be, making progress tangible and achievable.

4. Accountability and Motivation

  • Regular Check-ins: The consistent structure of one-on-one coaching ensures that you stay on track with your goals, holding you accountable for the actions you commit to.
  • Continuous Motivation: Coaches provide encouragement and support, helping you stay motivated even when challenges arise, keeping you focused on your end goals.

5. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Confidence

  • Deep Self-Reflection: Coaching sessions often involve exercises that deepen your understanding of yourself, your strengths, and areas for growth.
  • Build Confidence: As you begin to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, your self-confidence grows, empowering you to tackle even bigger challenges.

6. Transformational Change

  • Lasting Impact: Unlike quick fixes, transformation coaching focuses on creating deep, sustainable change that lasts well beyond the coaching sessions.
  • Empowerment: You learn tools and strategies that not only help you in the present but also equip you to handle future challenges independently.

7. Improved Decision-Making

  • Clarity and Focus: With a clearer understanding of your goals and values, decision-making becomes easier and more aligned with your true desires.
  • Increased Resilience: Coaches help you develop the resilience to navigate uncertainty and make decisions with greater confidence, even in difficult situations.

8. Better Relationships

  • Communication Skills: Coaching often includes work on improving how you communicate with others, leading to more fulfilling and effective personal and professional relationships.
  • Emotional Intelligence: You’ll gain insights into your emotional triggers and responses, helping you manage emotions better and interact more positively with those around you.

9. Greater Fulfillment and Happiness

  • Aligned Goals: By working on goals that truly matter to you, you create a life that feels more authentic and fulfilling.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: As you overcome what’s holding you back and take control of your life, stress and anxiety often decrease, leading to greater overall well-being.

10. Supportive Environment for Growth

  • Safe Space: Coaching provides a non-judgmental, confidential environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings freely, fostering genuine growth and self-discovery.
  • Encouragement to Dream Big: Coaches challenge you to think bigger, expand your horizons, and pursue opportunities you might not have considered on your own.

Transformation coaching is powerful because it addresses both the immediate obstacles in your path and the deeper issues that have been holding you back, enabling you to achieve meaningful, lasting change.

Access to Deep discounts on Online Courses
Over 15 courses to choose from *Excluding Coaching Certification and Children's Programs - Build Your Website Discount on Basic Program only.

VALUE UP TO : $2,590

Access to Discounts on One-on-One Coaching
with Nathalie *Up to 12 sessions per year

VALUE UP TO : $1,050

One-on-one transformation coaching offers a range of benefits, especially for individuals looking to overcome obstacles, get unstuck, and achieve lasting personal and professional growth. See all Key benefits HERE.

By-Weekly THINK Letter

VALUE: $97/year
  • Exclusive, In-depth Content
  • Deep Dives and Insights not covered in the Free THINK Yourself® Newsletter.
  • Step-by-step tools to implement immediately to improve your business, your personal development, or specific skills.


$197 / month - pay as you go

or $985 / year - one payment

OVER $12,000


Mastermind Group Meetings every two weeks.
*exceptions with holidays, etc. approx. 20 meetings per year.

VALUE: $7,000

The conversation topics discussed will be decided by an initial survey filled out by the members, so that you will have a vote as to what specific challenges you would like to address. We will also use the content of the online courses to direct our conversations. Each of these topics can serve as a focal point for discussion, providing mastermind members with actionable strategies and peer support to overcome these common challenges. Topic ideas may include:

  • 1. Health & Fitness

    • Creating a Consistent Workout Routine: Overcoming physical or mental obstacles to regular exercise and developing a routine that fits your lifestyle.
    • Motivation & Accountability: Finding and maintaining motivation for fitness goals, and the role of accountability in achieving them.
    • Overcoming Plateaus: Strategies to break through fitness plateaus and continue making progress.
    • Balancing Cardio and Strength Training: Understanding the benefits of both and how to create a balanced fitness program.
    • Mindset of exercise: Identifying the underlaying limiting beliefs or bad habits that need to be addressed in order to make health and fitness a regular part of our life.
  • 2. Nutrition

    • Healthy Meal Planning: Tips and strategies for planning and preparing nutritious meals that align with fitness goals.
    • Understanding Food and working out: How to balance what we eat before, during and after exercise for optimal health.
    • Managing Cravings and Emotional Eating: Techniques for controlling cravings and understanding the emotional triggers behind eating habits.
    • Supplementation: Discussing the role of supplements in a healthy diet and how to choose them wisely.
    • Understanding the brain and biology of eating: Understanding the brain satiety center and its hormones to use their power efficiently.
  • 3. Weight Loss

    • Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals: Understanding how to set and achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss targets.
    • Behavioral Change and Habits: Developing and sticking to new habits that support long-term weight loss.
    • Dealing with Setbacks: Strategies for getting back on track after a setback, such as a weight gain or falling off a diet plan.
    • Tracking Progress: The importance of monitoring weight loss progress and the tools available to do so effectively.
    • Debunking Weight Loss Myths: Identifying and discussing common weight loss myths and misconceptions.
    • Combining Diet and Exercise: Creating a balanced approach to weight loss that includes both diet and physical activity.
  • 4. Sleep

    • Improving Sleep Quality: Techniques for enhancing the quality of sleep, including sleep hygiene and bedtime routines.
    • Before: What to do before in order to improve the chances of getting a great sleep.
    • Understanding Sleep Cycles: How sleep cycles work and their impact on health, fitness, and overall well-being.
    • During: What to do while you are tossing and turning.
    • Stress and Sleep: Managing stress to improve sleep quality and overall wellness.
    • After: What to do after you had a bad night's sleep.
  • 5. Wellness

    • Mental Health and Well-being: Addressing mental health as a key component of overall wellness and its interplay with physical health.
    • Stress Management: Techniques for managing stress, such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises.
    • Work-Life Balance: Strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance to support overall wellness.
    • Self-care Practices: Incorporating self-care into daily routines for better mental and physical health.
    • Overwhelm, Overthinking & Procrastination: Mental health techniques to control emotions and mindset.
    • Time Management for Wellness: Finding time for wellness activities in a busy schedule.
  • 6. Confidence

    • Building Body Confidence: Strategies for developing a positive body image and self-acceptance.
    • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Techniques for building self-confidence in personal and professional settings.
    • Setting and Achieving Personal Goals: How setting and achieving fitness or wellness goals can boost overall confidence.
    • Dealing with Negative Self-Talk: Strategies for overcoming negative self-talk and developing a positive mindset.
    • Mindset and Motivation: The role of a positive and growth mindset in building confidence and achieving wellness goals.

Access to Online Courses Bundle 
*For the pre-paid yearly plan or the duration of your membership.

VALUE: $900

  • THINK Yourself® HEALTHY - 27 Simple, practical applications for a vibrant life.
  • THINK Yourself®  ASLEEP - Strategies to promote great sleep, what to do while you are tossing and turning and how to cope after you had a bad night's sleep.
  • THINK Yourself® INTO ACTION - Keys to Get Unstuck and Move Into Action: Eliminate Overthinking & Procrastination. 
  • THINK Yourself® CONFIDENT - 15 Keys to Unlock Self-Confidence.

Access to 2 Coaching Sessions per year
One-on-one with Nathalie *one 60-minute session every 6 months 
*Must have membership if using the 'pay-as-you-go' option

VALUE: $700

One-on-one transformation coaching offers a range of benefits, especially for individuals looking to overcome obstacles, get unstuck, and achieve lasting personal and professional growth. Here are some key benefits:

1. Personalized Attention

  • Tailored Strategies: The coaching is customized to your specific needs, goals, and challenges, ensuring that the strategies and exercises are directly applicable to your life.
  • Focused Support: You receive undivided attention, allowing the coach to deeply understand your unique situation and provide targeted guidance.

2. Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • Uncover Root Causes: Coaching helps you identify the underlying beliefs and patterns that are holding you back, often revealing issues you may not have been aware of.
  • Reframe Negative Thoughts: Coaches work with you to challenge and reframe limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering ones that support your growth.

3. Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward

  • Clarify Your Vision: Coaching helps you gain clarity on what you really want, setting a clear direction for your life and career.
  • Break Through Barriers: Coaches provide tools and techniques to help you overcome obstacles, whether they are mental, emotional, or situational, allowing you to move forward with confidence.
  • Actionable Steps: You’ll work together to create a step-by-step plan that moves you from where you are to where you want to be, making progress tangible and achievable.

4. Accountability and Motivation

  • Regular Check-ins: The consistent structure of one-on-one coaching ensures that you stay on track with your goals, holding you accountable for the actions you commit to.
  • Continuous Motivation: Coaches provide encouragement and support, helping you stay motivated even when challenges arise, keeping you focused on your end goals.

5. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Confidence

  • Deep Self-Reflection: Coaching sessions often involve exercises that deepen your understanding of yourself, your strengths, and areas for growth.
  • Build Confidence: As you begin to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, your self-confidence grows, empowering you to tackle even bigger challenges.

6. Transformational Change

  • Lasting Impact: Unlike quick fixes, transformation coaching focuses on creating deep, sustainable change that lasts well beyond the coaching sessions.
  • Empowerment: You learn tools and strategies that not only help you in the present but also equip you to handle future challenges independently.

7. Improved Decision-Making

  • Clarity and Focus: With a clearer understanding of your goals and values, decision-making becomes easier and more aligned with your true desires.
  • Increased Resilience: Coaches help you develop the resilience to navigate uncertainty and make decisions with greater confidence, even in difficult situations.

8. Better Relationships

  • Communication Skills: Coaching often includes work on improving how you communicate with others, leading to more fulfilling and effective personal and professional relationships.
  • Emotional Intelligence: You’ll gain insights into your emotional triggers and responses, helping you manage emotions better and interact more positively with those around you.

9. Greater Fulfillment and Happiness

  • Aligned Goals: By working on goals that truly matter to you, you create a life that feels more authentic and fulfilling.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: As you overcome what’s holding you back and take control of your life, stress and anxiety often decrease, leading to greater overall well-being.

10. Supportive Environment for Growth

  • Safe Space: Coaching provides a non-judgmental, confidential environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings freely, fostering genuine growth and self-discovery.
  • Encouragement to Dream Big: Coaches challenge you to think bigger, expand your horizons, and pursue opportunities you might not have considered on your own.

Transformation coaching is powerful because it addresses both the immediate obstacles in your path and the deeper issues that have been holding you back, enabling you to achieve meaningful, lasting change.

Access to Deep discounts on Online Courses
Over 15 courses to choose from *Excluding Coaching Certification and Children's Programs - Build Your Website Discount on Basic Program only.

VALUE UP TO : $2,590

Access to Discounts on One-on-One Coaching
with Nathalie *Up to 12 sessions per year

VALUE UP TO : $1,050

One-on-one transformation coaching offers a range of benefits, especially for individuals looking to overcome obstacles, get unstuck, and achieve lasting personal and professional growth. See all Key benefits HERE.

By-Weekly THINK Letter

VALUE: $97/year
  • Exclusive, In-depth Content
  • Deep Dives and Insights not covered in the Free THINK Yourself® Newsletter.
  • Step-by-step tools to implement immediately to improve your business, your personal development, or specific skills.


$97 / year

OVER $2,400


Access to ONE session of ONE Mastermind Group Meetings  
1 meeting per year.

VALUE: $350

You can choose to drop ONCE into one of the following Masterminds:




Access to ONE Online Course 
*For the pre-paid yearly plan or the duration of your membership.

Over 15 courses to choose from *Excluding Coaching Certification and Children's Programs - Build Your Website Discount on Basic Program only.


Up to $497

Access to Discounts on Online Courses
Over 15 courses to choose from *Excluding Coaching Certification and Children's Programs - Build Your Website Discount on Basic Program only.

VALUE UP TO : $1,480

By-Weekly THINK Letter

VALUE: $97/year
  • Exclusive, In-depth Content
  • Deep Dives and Insights not covered in the Free THINK Yourself® Newsletter.
  • Step-by-step tools to implement immediately to improve your business, your personal development, or specific skills.

Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas

Certified Professional Speaker CSP®, 2023 Most Empowering Confidence Coach in North America and 2021 Canadian Presenter of the Year Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas is a Confidence Expert. She is international Bestselling Author of eighteen books, including 12 no.1 bestsellers and a book co-written with Kevin Harrington from the Shark Tank, endorsed by Tony Robbins. She is the Founder and CEO of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, offering keynotes and trainings, leading-edge online courses, laser-focus business strategy and one-on-one transformation coaching.

Along the past 30 years, she has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally to get rid of their negative self-talk. She combines over 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years of experience in sales and over 30 years of distinguished service in the fitness industry. She is Vice-President on the national board of directors of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and recently received the 2022 and 2023 President’s Award.