What causes frustration? How can we avoid it? What are the three keys to feel great all the time?
Hyrum Smith — @HyrumWSmith is coming out with a book soon on closing the gaps. I had the pleasure of hearing him talk about the three main gaps that we must close in order to feel great during the eWomen Network Million Dollar Success Mastery Series let by @SandraYancey.
The Time Gap is the difference between what you are doing today and what you said you wanted to do today. We make these endless to-do lists and are disappointed at the end of the day when we realize that only a few items have been checked off. We somehow let a lot of distractions come in the way of what is important to us and we got side tracked from what we really wanted to do. Firstly, revise your to-do list. Make it shorter. Find ways to manage your time so that you allow most of your precious time to what you really want to be doing. Before starting a task, ask yourself: »Is this what I really want to be doing right now? What would I be frustrated about tonight if I had not accomplished it? » Organize your time and avoid end of the day frustration by sticking to your program.
The value gap is between what you are doing and what you value most. We tend to spend so much time doing things that are not important to us and we leave on the back burner the most important goals and dreams of our life. What is really important for you? What is the main thing on your list? Start with that and stay focus. Don’t let unimportant things distract you from your main focus.
The believe gap is the difference between what you believe is true and what is actually true. More likely, we are filled with negative beliefs that are not serving us. The world is not there to get you. You are not less than anybody else. You do look amazing. No it is not hard to be happy and be everything you want to be. So you must change what you believe in order to fit the reality. Your beliefs are actually creating your reality. So you might as well have some beliefs that serve you.