You are thinking of going ONLINE but you are not sure where to start...
Tired of wasting time trying to figure out how to make money online?
You are doing everything “right”
and you work really Hard.
About 12 years ago, I was starting to build my coaching business and my speaking business on the side. YES ON THE SIDE, because I needed to keep my full time job. I was hearing this voice in my head telling me: "You're not going to make it on your own. WE DON'T MAKE MONEY IN THE FITNESS INDUSTRY! There's no way!"
So, I Was Working HARD.
I would get up at 5:00 AM and I would still teach fitness classes at night and then come back after my shower and work later until 10:00 PM. I was building the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY and I had live events almost every other week. The harder I worked, the more exhausted I felt. I had zero life balance. I would never see my husband or spend time with the kids and I was thinking...
Is that it? My Dream of Being an Entrepreneur? I was NOT enjoying it!
The more successful I was, the more exhausted I felt and the more money it was costing me to keep this business alive anyways. And I still was living paycheck to paycheck because everything that I was making, I was reinvesting it into the next new thing. It just didn't make sense. I was looking at people going away for two months during the winter. And I was like: "I can't even take a day off. How are they doing this?"
That's When I Realized I Needed to Figure out How to Transition my Business Online.
So I thought: "Okay, maybe I need to get more on social media." So started to go more on my social media. And one day I had arrived: I had 100 friends on Facebook! (LOL! I know that now this doesn't sound that exciting but back then, it was a big deal!) I got all excited and I thought: "This is it. I'm going to start posting fitness videos and people will sign up to train with me. Just like that!"
It didn't work.
Maybe I didn't have enough friends. Maybe I needed a thousand friends? I thought: "When I have a thousand friends, then, that will make a big difference." Still no money in my bank account.
Didn't work either.
Even at 5,000 friends on my personal profile, plus a business page, it still was not working.
So I needed to figure out how to use the Online World as a Vehicle to take me towards Paying Clients.
I realized that I could have LIVE clients ONLINE and also PRE-RECORDED Videos that would generate income even when I was not with my clients.
For Nathalie Lacombe, the journey was similar.
Her journey with the online business started in 2020 when the Pandemic hit and Covid-19 took the fitness in a loop with worldwide gym closures. Although she had started to build her coaching business online about a year prior, she still felt disconnected when everything closed. Originally, like everybody else, she "threw" herself online in a "reactive" way, without a plan, just desperate to stay connected to her clients.
She even debated maybe teaching Aqua-Fit Classes IN HER HOME POOL!!!!
She was looking for ways to MAKE MONEY.
"How Can I Drive REVENUES?"
Things started to changed when she changed her perspective from
"What can I sell?"
"How can I serve?"
She remembered that the people she was serving were fitness professionals that were seeking to serve others. And that is what led her into figuring out how to do online business in order to be able to SERVE and answer the needs of her clients.
We Have Made Tons of Mistakes, Spent Money We Did Not Have and So Much Time Learning the Ropes and the Keys to Be Successful!
The reason why we were not successful was because we were just working super hard, but we did not have a plan. We did not really know what worked and what didn't.
We Can Share with You the Keys to Building a Successful Fitness Business Online so that You Can FAST-TRACK Your Way There and NOT Make all the same mistakes we made.
You can learn the 10 Keys To Building a Successful Business with our New Online Course!
No more wondering if you are wasting your time with yet another strategy. You can start your journey to being successful with the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY series.
Just Working Hard is NOT ENOUGH
After almost 10 years of practice as a CONFIDENCE EXPERT, Master Life Coach and Master NLP Practitioner, and after reaching International status with my 8 International No.1 Bestsellers, I realized that a lot of my clients did not necessarily need to learn how to be CONFIDENT.
They wanted me to teach them
That is when I started creating Business courses.
I recently partnered with Nathalie Lacombe,
Leadership Coach and Strategic Partner to create the course:
THINK Yourself®
The 7 Proven Keys to Quickly Bring Your Fitness Business Online
Discover the mistakes to avoid and keys to succeed. Virtual group and personal training have revolutionized our industry and are now part of our reality. This program shares the worst missteps and biggest revelations! Whether you have already made the transition to virtual or have recently decided to pursue your career with a hybrid version of your services, you will take away a multitude of tips to use immediately so that you and your clients can thrive in virtual!

This course includes:

10 Online videos that you can do at your own pace.

A downloadable Implementation Guide.
- 1THIS course is NOT to teach you how to exercise nor how to create posts on Social Media. This is not a Marketing course.
- 2Full disclosure: We an Entrepreneurs in the Fitness Industry Just Like You. I am a Confidence Expert and Transformation Expert. Nathalie Lacombe is a leadership Coach & Strategic Partner. You may say: "Well, they not experts in online business!" You are correct.
- 3We just happened to learn quite a bit as we built our business online and we are kind of great at making money! So if this interests you, then this course may be for you.
The reason why this course is different, is because it combines my
33 years of experience in the Fitness Industry
10 years in Human Resources
15 years in Sales and over
12 years as a Successful Business Owner.
with Nathalie Lacombe's
25 years of International Experience
with degrees in Psychology and Exercise Science
Corporate Executive in Health and Fitness Industry
What People Are Saying...

“I would not be making money without what I have learned from Nathalie"
"If it wasn’t for Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, I wouldn’t be making the money I am now. All she taught me is keeping me extremely busy and employed and making money during this crazy time. I can’t thank her enough!!!!"
Tricia Silverman
Registered Dietitian, Fitness Instructor, Bestselling Author, Wellness Coach, and Professional Speaker

“You don't need all the fancy technology to kick start your virtual training programs."
I didn't know what to expect because I was already experienced with the teleconferencing technology and had already started my personal training and small-group training virtually. To my delight: It was A LOT MORE than that. In addition to coaching you to realize that you don't need all the fancy technology to kick start your virtual training programs, you are coached to feel more confident in your brand and what you have to offer and in yourself. This course reminded me to value myself and what I have to offer. Whether you are a seasoned fitness professional, or brand new fresh personal trainer, this course is for you. So what are you waiting for? Go get it!
Josef Serfaty
Personal Fitness & Mindset Coach

“I now have a clear plan of action and how to get there."
"THINK Yourself a Virtual Fitness Pro has lit a fire underneath me to move forward with virtual training. I wasn’t sure if I could do it and was actually considering not teaching anymore at all!
The concepts presented were focused and explained thoroughly. I appreciate separate videos instead of one long one, which allowed me to take time to reflect and brainstorm between presentations.
I now have a clear plan of action and how to get there. Highly recommended for anyone even considering moving into virtual training!"
Meghan Tuckey
Fitness Instructor, Pro Trainer
Discover the 7 Keys to quickly bring your business online with THINK Yourself® A VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO Online Course. The process is easy to follow and you will finally be able to make a difference for your business with tools & strategies.
Get the KEYS to Building a Successful Online Business and
MAKE MONEY Living From Your Passion!
Nathalie Lacombe
Leadership Coach & Co-Creator of
About Nathalie Lacombe
Mover, shaker, and joie de vivre giver! Blending 25 years of international experience with degrees in psychology and exercise science, Nathalie passionately shares her inspirational insights. She uses her uniquely vibrant leadership style to make profound and lasting changes with her teams, clients, and audiences.
Following a successful career as a corporate executive in the health and fitness industry for two decades, Nathalie Lacombe now brings her drive and optimism to you!
Nathalie is recognized in the industry for passionate leadership, operational excellence, as well as diligent commitment to success.
“I take my positivity very seriously!”
Now, she is providing fitness professionals, managers, and companies the support they need to thrive in business. Let her joyfully take your career and business to the next level.
Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
Founder of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY & Co-Creator of THINK Yourself® A VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO
About Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
2021 Canadian Presenter of the Year Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas is a Confidence Expert. She works with people who want to get rid of their negative self-talk and unlock their full potential. She brings entrepreneurs the Clarity they need to make money living from their passion. She is international No.1 Bestselling Author of fifteen books about success, communication, wellness and empowerment. She is the Founder and CEO of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, offering keynotes and trainings, leading-edge online courses, laser-focus business strategy and one-on-one transformation coaching.
Along the past 30 years, she has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally to get rid of their negative self-talk. She combines over 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years of experience in sales and over 30 years in the fitness industry. In 2007, she was "Fitness Instructor of the Year" for Canada.
My niece is learning how to drive and although she has been sitting on the passenger seat of a car for the last decade, observing, she will only become a great driver if she starts practicing behind the wheel. It is the same for your online business.
When I started my business, over 12 years ago, I wish I had the chance to know everything that I know now. It is only when you "drive the car" that you become good at it.
I also had to develop all my own material
I also wish I had been given all the material and processes that I have developed now, a decade later. I paid tens of thousands of dollars and now I can say that although I believe that all of this time and money was amazing investments, there was not really one course that included the experience I got and the best of each of them. That is why we developed the THINK Yourself® A VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO Online Course.
Who is this course for?
As mentioned earlier, this course will teach the 7 Keys To Quickly Bring Your Fitness Busines Online. You will learn the core competencies for fitness professionals to succeed in 2020 and beyond. While our industry recovers from the crisis and closures, fitness professionals are adapting and pivoting to meet the needs of our clients. THINK Yourself® A VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO will guide you towards a flourishing career and succeed in an ever-growing industry.
This is for you if...
This is not for you if...
Here's "What You Get"
Some of you may think:

The future of Virtual Fitness

The People Who Need Your Help

The Essence of Your Brand and Services

The Ways You Will Deliver Your Services

Making Sure You Look and Feel Great

Making Sure You're Covered

Making Sure You Sound Great

Tools & Technology

Entrepreneurial Skills





Be Your Authentic Self

Get Your Mind in the Game

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the "work" that I need to do on top of watching the videos?
How Long are the Videos?
Is there an Exam?
What score do I need to pass the Quiz?
What if I have questions during the course?
If you want to become a VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO and really make a difference in your business while skipping the mistakes that both Nathalie's made, act today. Become a VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO.
Copyright - THINK Yourself® ACADEMY