"SELLING is Difficult and Daunting!"
"SELLING makes me feel pushy"
You are great at what you do but, in a perfect world, you would rather go without having to "sell your services".
Whether you have the title "sales representative" on your business card or you are an entrepreneur selling your products or services, or a parent trying to get your kids to each vegetable, you are a sales person.
SELLING is everywhere!
When you are not good with driving or cannot swim, you can simply take the bus and avoid the pool. But when you are not good with people,
You Cannot Avoid It!
People are present everywhere.
They are involved in our daily life.
Not being good with People is NOT an option.
Let me take you back about 12 years ago. My one-on-one coaching business was taking off. I was coaching tis woman and I was working really hard for her. I was doing everything "by-the-book". I was preparing early and made sure everything was ready when she arrived. I was spending the first few minutes to chat with her and ask questions about her family, how are the kids before we would get to business. Then I would explain to her the whole session ahead and even telling her why the processes we were about to do would make her more confident, etc.
I was doing everything "right".
I was also very nice and friend and made that
After our initial four sessions, it was time for me to SELL here a new package. I did not pressure her and told her to take her time to think about it.
Because: Don’t you hate it when you feel pressured to buy something right away?
Well, She did not renew for another package.
A few weeks later, I see one of her friends and she tells me that my client
She said that she liked her new coach that would go straight to the point and not waste too much time at the beginning of the session chatting about her family and stuff.
And also, she said that
I lost her when I did not seize the opportunity to renew right away after our last session.
That she may have done it right then.
So, I learned from this and I started to do that with my other clients.
I stopped being so friendly and fun and I started to go right into the session and not waste any time with chatting and making things fun.
And when I was in a sales conversation, I would always give a very short time limit on a special and tell them they had to sign a contract by the end of the day or the deal was no longer going to apply. So, I learned from this and I started to do that with my other clients.
Some people started to label me as being "pushy".
The big mistake I was making was the fact that I was trying to apply a one-size fits all for all my prospect clients and I did not have the skills to find out what personality style my clients were. Like how many different kinds of personalities were there anyway?
I can’t please everybody!
I actually thought that maybe I needed to find only clients that were like me.
I thought the concept of NICHING meant that I should find clients that are like me. That it needed to be a fit. So, that I could simply be myself and not have to worry about fitting with my clients.
So I started to filter my clients and would only work with people that were like me.
What you will find out in this course, is that, in my case, there is only 15% of the population that are like me.
So I was turning down 85% of potential clients….
How narrow-minded was that…!!!
For Maureen (Mo) Hagan, the journey was similar.
Her journey with sales has been going for multiple decades as a Global Health and Wellness Expert in the fitness Industry.
She remembers the time when she was presented with a invitation to write a fitness book with a highly regarded book publisher. After a number of phone calls to discuss the project it was clear in her mind:
They wanted to work with her
and she was going to become one of their next authors. The team at this publishing house were very familiar with her work and they were excited to get this book published.
She confidently submitted a brief outline of the book based on what they had discussed and with the vision she had in mind.
She was proposing something different from their standard style and structure so that it would stand out as something unique and innovative in the market.
She could see it being a great resource and training tool at the same time.
Eagerly, she awaited a reply anticipating that she would be starting this book project right away. As she waited for the official contract she began pulling content together.
Then she received their reply and to her surprise
(and utter shock)
they decided to pass on the book
Both Mo and I learned that
understanding personality styles was a
key elements of success in SALES.
Here are some of THE MISTAKES we made...
We did not account for people's

1. My client had a LEADER personality profile. Leaders like "big picture". My mistake was to explain the whole session to her, which would have been great for a THINKER personality style who loves details, but not the LEADER.
2. LEADERS also hate wasting time. They like to go "straight to the point". They value the results more than the person. Being very friendly with her, asking her about her kids and family and wasting time with small talk would have been the perfect thing to do with an INFLUENCER, but not a LEADER.
3. LEADERS are quick to make decisions. They don't need time to think about it. I told her to think about before renewing her package it as I did not want to appear pushy. Leaders see this as being weak. SUPPORTERS on the other hand, need time to think about it and will be very slow to make a decision.
4. Mo's book publisher portrait the characteristics of a SUPPORTER and THINKER. Mo offered her a different, unique and innovating concept. SUPPORTERS don't like CHANGE. They like true and proven methods.
5. Mo gave a brief overview of the book, just like a LEADER or an INFLUENCER would have liked. However, THINKERS like details. So her brief and concise proposal was viewed as lacking information.
Mo and I have had our respective challenges, made mistakes, and it took a while before we would find out a way to join forces and create a tool that people could use to identify people's style and avoid the mistakes we have made!
The reason why we were not successful was because we were working super hard, but we sometimes just did not have the tools to know how to interact with others. We did not really know that it was actually possible for the sales to happen in a much smoother way when you had the right tools.
We Can Share with You What We Have Learned, so That You Can Shortcut Your Way There and NOT Make all the Same Mistakes We Made.
You can learn how to
SELL and actually like it
with our Online Course!
You can start your journey to becoming a SALES PRO with the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY series.
Just Working Hard is NOT ENOUGH
After almost 10 years of practice as a CONFIDENCE EXPERT, Master Life Coach and Master NLP Practitioner, and after reaching International status with my 8 International No.1 Bestsellers, I realized that a lot of my clients did not necessarily need to learn how to be CONFIDENT.
They wanted me to teach them
I never really thought of myself as a sales person.
Just someone who has a SOLUTION that people need.
That is when I started creating Online courses.
I partnered with Mo Hagan, to create the course:
THINK Yourself®
LEARN HOW TO SELL, CHANGE, IMPROVE, COLLABORATE, INFLUENCE & LEAD using the STYLE-L.I.S.T. Personal Assessment Tool to Transform Yourself and Master Communication.
A 24-Video series with Maureen Hagan and Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas

Sales pitches and techniques work with certain people but not with others. This course will teach you how to use the STYLE-L.I.S.T. personal assessment tool to identify the personality style of your prospective buyer. Knowing their style will allow you to adapt your communication and sales strategy to match their style, create rapport, really understand their needs, know what drives them to purchase and how to ultimately position yourself to be the solution to their problem.
Discover how adding four dimensions to the way you sell your products and services can generate a higher conversion rate, greater income for you, exponential satisfaction for your clients, and set the base for a higher client retention and referral rate. You will leave with easy to apply skills, a revamped relationship with money and a new mindset about the way you see yourself as a Sales Pro.
This course includes:

24 Online videos that you can do at your own pace.
- 1THIS course is NOT to teach you how to get someone to buy something they don't need. The society has created a bad reputation for "selling". This course will break down the limiting beliefs you may have, yourself, about sales which will enable you to do it with much more ease!
- 2Full disclosure: We're Entrepreneurs Just Like You. We are not sales experts! I am a Confidence Expert and Transformation Expert. Maureen is a Global Health Influencer and COO of a Leading Canadian Organization. You may say: "Well, they are not Sales Specialists!" You are correct. But we happen to have lots of skills and experience getting along with people, collaborating, selling, communicating and did we mention that we are both in long-lasting loving relationship with our respective husband? Anyone in a relationship knows that you need to be a good sales person in order to preserve it.
- 3We just happened to learn quite a bit as we built our businesses and we are kind of great at Sales and it work for us! So if this interests you, then this course may be for you.
The reason why this course is different, is because it combines my
10 years in Human Resources
15 years in Sales
33 years of experience in the Fitness Industry
12 years as a Successful Business Owner & Confidence Expert.
with Maureen (Mo) Hagan
35 years of International Experience
27 years as an Executive Leader with two Leading Canadian Organizations
2019 Recipient of the Canadian Fitness Industry Leader of the Year
2020 Top 10 Power Women
What People Are Saying...

“In a Very Short Time, I learned more about myself than I have in Years of Searching."
Heather Smuin
Golf Performance Expert

“It always starts with knowing yourself first"
All sales are based on communication and on mastering your own language and being able to detect and match the language of the person you are interacting with.
Sarah Jarvis
Pilates Instructor

“Relationships is what I have been doing for a living for over 2 decades."
As a clinical counsellor, it is absolutely crucial that I know how to communicate and adapt to each of my clients. This course teaches all the tools you need to get along, influence and communicate effectively. Selling is key to any relationship.
Sukie Thindal
Clinical Counsellor
Discover your own personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. with THINK Yourself® A SALES PRO Online Course. The course is easy to follow and you may finally be able to be comfortable
Maureen (Mo) Hagan
Chief Operating Officer of canfitpro & Co-Creator of
About Maureen (Mo) Hagan
Mo is a global Health and Wellness Expert, No.1 International Bestselling Author, Speaker, International Award-Winning Program Director and Fitness Industry Instructor. Mo is a licensed Physiotherapist and certified Fitness Instructor and has been recognized for her career which has spanned over three decades; names as one of Canada's 20 Most Influential Woman in Sport and Physical Activity, the International Fitness Industry's Woman of the Year and Top 100 Health Influencer in Canada.
She is living the dream life she envisioned and she is an influencer of change, helping to inspire new levels of awareness for fitness, health and wellbeing worldwide. She believes that we are all there to serve the world in our own special way. By honoring our own unique gifts, we inspire others around us to be and do the same.
Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
Founder of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY & Co-Creator of THINK Yourself® A RELATIONSHIPS PRO
About Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
2021 Canadian Presenter of the Year Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas is a Confidence Expert. She works with people who want to get rid of their negative self-talk and unlock their full potential. She brings entrepreneurs the Clarity they need to make money living from their passion. She is international No.1 Bestselling Author of fifteen books about success, communication, wellness and empowerment. She is the Founder and CEO of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, offering keynotes and trainings, leading-edge online courses, laser-focus business strategy and one-on-one transformation coaching.
Along the past 30 years, she has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally to get rid of their negative self-talk. She combines over 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years of experience in sales and over 30 years in the fitness industry. In 2007, she was "Fitness Instructor of the Year" for Canada.
Small details can make A Big Difference
When we get put in a leadership position, whether you are in charge of a team, project-lead at work, directing staff or simply wanting your kids to eat their vegetables or convince your spouse to watch this specific movie, you are constantly in need of tools to influence others. We wish we had learned everything that we know now about personality STYLES 20 years ago.
We figured out very quickly that the way we were SELLING was NOT WORKING...
We have surely burned lots of bridges. We have followed tips, here and there to improve ourselves, that would help for a while, until we would go back to our old bad habits and revert to what we thought was our "set-in-stone" sales techniques.
Maureen has countless instances witnessing her staff making the same mistakes over and over. She witnessed people leaving the organization not because they did not like their job, but because they could not get along with one-another.
We can say that, although we believe that we learn from our mistakes and that our past is somehow like an investment, we wish that THINK Yourself® A SALES PRO had been available for us. There was not really one course that included the experience of a C.O.O combined to the experience of a Mindset Expert. That is why we developed the THINK Yourself® A SALES PRO Online Course.
Full disclosure. Just in the process of creating of this course, we did learn a ton from each other which contributed to increase our confidence with sales even more. We wish we had been given all the tools and strategies that we have developed in this course when we were in our twenties.
Who is this course for?
As mentioned earlier, this course will teach you how to use the STYLE-L.I.S.T. Personality Assessment Tool Sell, Influence, Collaborate, Lead and Get Along. You will learn tools, strategies, techniques, resources and mindset shifts to transform your relationship with SALES.
This is for you if...
This is not for you if...
Here's "What You Get"
Some of you may think:

Human Emotions and Behaviours

The STYLE-L.I.S.T. Assessment Tool

The Four STYLES at a Glance

The Leader

The Influencer

The Supporter

The Thinker

Shifting Limiting Beliefs About Sales

Non-Verbal Communication

Communicate with each style

Identify Who You are Communicating with

Selling - Solving - Serving

What drives each style to purchase

Selling Key Words

Daily Reference Guide for each style

Sales Nuggets
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the "work" that I need to do on top of watching the videos?
How Long are the Videos?
Is there an Exam?
What score do I need to pass the Quiz?
What if I have questions during the course?
If you want to become a SALES PRO and really make a difference in your life as a whole, while skipping the mistakes that Nathalie and Mo made, act today.
Copyright - THINK Yourself® ACADEMY