Welcome back! Last week, we discussed how many times, we feel like we have to work hard and we're struggling and dig deep just trying ...

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Not that long ago, we were at a business retreat, and the place that we had rented had this weird shower that we could hardly ...

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Have you ever gotten stuck? No, this is not a metaphor. I'm talking about getting really, really stuck! Like... In a truck, for instance, and ...

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Vous est-il déjà arrivé de rester coincé.e? Non, ce n'est pas une métaphore. Je parle d'être vraiment, vraiment coincé.e! Dans un camion, par exemple. C'est ...

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How do you get someone to listen to you? Whether you are working with a team that has different opinions, or some team members that ...

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Today, let's talk about mindsets for minds upset. When we're upset, it's very often caused by a conflict, and most of these conflicts stem from ...

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